
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 00:08:57
发那科报警1210是什么意思 发那科2009报警什么意思 The hope she expressed is that they would come to visit china again 这是什么从句? 我为我的祖国自豪,用英语咋说 Many famers in china are trying to move to cities.in their eyes,it's only in the cities that theycan realizes their hopes of making a lot of meney and l___ a happy life.so they try h___ to come into cities.根据首字母填空. The news that they failed their exams discouraged their parents,__?反意疑问句的主语是什么,为什么? 从《泊船瓜洲》可以体会到诗人什么样的感情 what does this mean?S N O W g nobody can replace you nobody could erer replace you what kind of shopping does the writer enjoy ,do you what kind of shopping does the writer enjoy do you think?翻译下 这里的kind是什么意思 What does the write think is relly cool? What does Han Ling's father do when she does the shopping? What pet does the write have? If they pay_____the fish they caught,they can take them back home. The books,_____ the dictionaries,must be put back where they _____.A included; were B to include为啥选CC including; were D including; are They put their books in the backpack.对划线部分提问.划线部分是:in the backpack.________ ________ __________ __________their books.划线部分是:in the backpack.________ ________ __________ __________their books? Don't put the books here.They,( ) the dictionaries,must be put back where they ( ).前空为什么用 including.这个including是现在分词还动名词?为什么不用included Don't put the books here. They, including the dictionaries, must be put back where they were.句子为什么要填including而不是included,还有能告诉我where引导的是宾语从句吗?为什么有人说是状语从句 计算机科学与技术和电子信息工程有什么区别 用个成语形容男人和女人的区别吧! 现在很多产品都玩跨界合作,不知道手机有没有跨界的? 用一个成语形容女人跑步? 与水有关的形容女生的成语大神们帮帮忙 倾国倾城这个成语是形容的那个美女着啊求大神帮助 四大盆地中位于第一级阶梯的是_______,唯一没有沙漠分布的是_______.(ˇˍˇ) 快想~ 四大盆地,唯一无沙漠戈壁分布的是? how can you tell they are grateful翻译 四大盆地中唯一没有沙漠分布的盆地是 世界上最大的大陆是什么 如图所示,质量m=1kg的小球用细线绑住,线长l=0.5m,细线所受的拉力达到F=18N时就会被拉断,当小球如图所示释放后摆到悬点正下方时,细线恰好被拉断,求小球摆到悬点正下方时速度的大小