
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 02:48:49
give a conert 翻译有答必采纳 shall 的一般疑问句肯定回答用什么,否定回答用什么? 形容没有主见的成语是什么 别人说什么自己说什么,形容没主见的成语是什么 形容一个人没有主见有什么成语 Can I go() school() taxi today,Mum? shall I 提问用什么回答? should提问用什么回答 the,he,on,early,watches,morning,TV,news 连词成句 为什么我在德国买的莱卡相机,上面却写着“ made in Japan"? 英语句子分析,Climbing mountain does good to your health主要是这个does ,而且对XX有好处 不是good for吗 另外能不能改成 Climbing mountain is good for your health Morning exercise does good to a person's health.I suggest your wife ________ regularly.A.take part in B.attend C.join D.join in should(否定式) should的否定形式是什么啊是mustn't还是needn't啊?还是另有其他我记得和常规变法不太一样啊 My grandfather likes listening to the r____ in the early morning --------------------Yes.We had fun. We had a lot of fun.同一句 翻译:Run Scandisk and defragment at least once a month I just saw a view of your back when I first met you Just Be your education has just 堇字加偏旁组词可以加什么? “未央”一词到底什么意思?我听说过“未央生”、“未央宫”、未央好像和道家长生有关系,我想听听“未央”一词的详细解释,请分析的条理清晰,不要乱粘贴. “未央”一词是什么意思啊!? 1.你们在动物园玩得开心吗?did you ——— ———in the zoo?2.昨天他帮妈妈打扫房间了.he ——— his mother ——— the room yesterday3.泰拉在上周的舞蹈比赛中获得了第一名.tara ——— ——— ——— You can catch the early plane if you get up early enough(同义句)Don't get up ___,____ you cannot catch the early plane 仿句:舞蹈出诗句里的离合悲欢,舞蹈出____________________,舞蹈出____________________. Your picture has come out这是什么时态啊、、初中有Have has 的句型结构 巴谢特什么意思 察雅英语apple的意思是什么 We have already visited the Disney Park.改为一般疑问句 How long have you been in hongkong?l have been here for a week.have you visited Disneyland?