
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 01:49:41
急我的朋友想要个英文名,比如林宥嘉的YOGA.的他在网上翻译也不行,他叫绮童,因不能说姓名,这星期前急着要,求大家帮下忙,急写错了,嘻嘻她是女生也 4个人中,有且有2个人出生于星期一的概率是多少 有没有可以和外国人语音聊天练习口语的软件. 没有外国朋友说话,怎么练口语? 那款软件可以和外国人聊天呢,主要是练习口语 4人中只有2人都生于星期一的概率为多少,请用试验估计其概率大小 写出同一物质中不同元素之间发生氧化还原反应的化学方程式 我想通过聊天练习口语哪里有聊天群,或者连天软件么,能练习口语,日常用语的 there is a gym in front of the library (用bebind the lab改为选择疑问句)-t急 the term is sometimes used in preference to information technology.4577 英语翻译63706:the term is sometimes used in preference to information technology.求本句翻译及语言点1—the term is sometimes used in preference to information technology.翻译:专业术语优先用于信息科技term:这里是: a term a term used是一个短语吗?还有a term used before是不是短语? The term "CC/PP attribute" is used here to refer to a specific ____ or characteristic of a client that appears in a CC/PP profile.A.capacity B.capability The term video game is commonly used ___The term video game is commonly used _1_ with computer game or _2_ game.All have a _3_ to view the game,whether it is a computer monitor or a television screen,and some types of _4_ device in order to play the 高新技术产业的英语怎么说?是high-tech industry吗?那高技术呢?两个英语总要有区别的吧?high and new technology industry这种翻译是正式的吗?还是只是字面直译的啊.就是国外到底是怎么说的? chinese star foot pack是什么软件不是foot,而是font love,all the time. explain the difference between low-tech and high-tech farming.用英文答题 He p________ his feet firmly on the ground. 汉译英:He complained the high paying by Credit Card recently.敬请指教!我想说的是:他抱怨最近用信用卡消费花钱太多了. 西方经济学有点不懂假定某消费者关于某种商品的消费数量Q与收入M之间的函数关系为M=100Q2.求:当收入M=6 400时的需求的收入点弹性. 如何判断一个化学方程式是氧化还原反应? 西方经济学中不懂的问题,提问课件里举了一个这样的例子解释乘数:v投资100购买要素,形成要素收入y1=100;v如果边际消费倾向是0.8,要素收入100中,有80用于购买消费品.u80的购买形成新收入y2 英语翻译I can count on my hand the number of people I can do anything for,and you're of them! all for love 谁知道all for love歌词的中文意思When it's love you give (I'll be a man of good faith.) then in love you live.(I'll make a stand.I won't break.) I'll be the rock you can build on,be there when you're old,to have and to hold.When there's love the children are reading in the classroom.改为一般疑问句和否定句怎么改? All is for the love 现在铅和锌的市场价是多少?如题 彩铅套装,最多 有几种颜色的套装 .金属盒子装的有哪些?还有报价 A∩B=空集 A∪B=A 我不懂这是一个题目的两个条件 既然A交B为空集 为什么 A并B=A B还属于A呢? 集合{a,b}的所有子集为空集,{a},{b},{a,b}.真子集为空集,{a}{b}.为什麽呢?我不懂.