
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/10 15:09:49
2013年云南省第二次省统测数学答案来这里对答案,赶紧! 甲两地乙两辆汽车同时从东西两地相向而行.甲车每小时行55.6千米,乙车每小时行54.8千米,两车在离中点5.2甲乙两辆汽车同时从东西两地出发相向而行.甲车每小时行55.6千米,乙车每小时行54.8千 甲乙两辆汽车同时从两地相向开出,甲车每小时行55.6千米,乙车每小时行54.8千米,两车在离中点5.2千米处相遇,求甲车相遇时走了多少千米? 什么是英语时态 甲乙两辆汽车同时从东西两地相对开出甲车每小时行55.6千米,乙车每小时行54.8千米,两车在离中点处5.2千米处相遇,求相遇时甲车行了多少千米? 甲乙两辆汽车同时从东西两地相对开出,甲车每小时行55.6千米,乙车每忄时行54.8千米.两车在离终点5.2千米处相遇,两车用了几小时相遇? right 是不是介词大哥们急! 用left,right等位置介词造句 2014山东省实验数学答案是14/5 求详解 急求! 1.写出合适的词.(1)bring or take something together(2)a 26-mile running race that test one is power over a long time(4)lately ;not long ago(5)to use,have,pay,etc,with others2.句型转换.(1)Many famous celebrities have conce 关于英语的几道题目!紧急!好的我会追分的!1.I'd like to live “next to the supermarket.”(引号部分提问)______ _______you like to live?2.It rains a lot in Thailand.(同义句)There _____ ______ ______rain in Thailand.3.The 英语动词时态i___(hear)from my daughter since last monthIt ___(take)me two hours to write the articledon't touch that ____(sleep) child. 小学英语六年级好评^_^ Would you show me how I mack a cake =Would you shou me ____ ____ ____a cake would you please show ___how to ___a cakeA me,cakeB us ,makingC we ,makeD i ,cake 在office用什么介词 office前加an还是a?急求! an email前加什么介词加by with on in?如email前加by,那email前有an了加什么介词? I like making some clothes.怎么改成一般疑问句 They like model planes.改为一般疑问句和否定句 英语有几个时态?分别是什么?如何构成? 英语有几个时态?分别是什么? 英语的时态有那几种?请按一定规律列出, can you tell me how can i make a vegetable salad?(改为同义句)can you tell me ( ) ( )make a vegetable salad? Can you tell me how I can make Russian soup?的同义句是什么 send是及物动词吗?发送什么东西怎么用英语. they like__(make) model planes 填上适当的形式 I often make model planes on saturdays.(对画线部分提问)make model planes 画线 The boys are making model planes over there.(对画线部分提问)The boys are making model planes over there.(对画线部分提问) _____ the boys _____ over there?画线的是are making model planes 不要说前面少了条线,要画线的是 高一数学急求答案!谢谢一.已知Sinθ+cosθ=1/5,θ∈(0,π)则sin2θ的值是(最后答案)二.当x∈[π/6,2π/3]时,函数y=sin x的值域为(最后答案)三.求函数Y=sin^2x+2sinxcosx+3cos^2x的最小值,并求出使y取 旷课检讨书300字