
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 07:45:31
this festival also called Duanwu Festival ,is celebrated () the fifthday英语题!this festival also called Duanwu Festival ,is celebrated () the fifthday of the fifth month according tu the chinese calendar.空里填什么,求翻译 帮忙从语法中分析下"They choose to focus on the ones that feel bad"主要是that引导的定语从句 求解释06年考研真题yet they choose to focus on the ones that feel badArtists' only job is to explore emotions ,and yet they choose to focus on the ones that feel bad本句中为什么用the ones而不是the one?两者有什么区别? 仁爱无敌阅读答案因为这是所有名的住宅,所以购买者闻讯蜂拥而至.住宅的底价是8万英镑,但人们很快就将它炒到10万英镑,而且价钱还在不断上升.老人深陷在沙发里,满目忧郁.是的,要不是健 仁爱之道 阅读答案 仁爱无敌 阅读在英国有位孤独的老人,无儿无女,又体弱多病.于是,他决定搬到养老院,并且宣布出售他漂亮的住宅.//因为这是所有名的住宅,所以购买者闻讯蜂拥而至.住宅的底价是8万英镑,但人 These are my father's pictures.(对my father's提问) 陈涉世家中的通假字 有游客m人,若有n个人住一间房,结果还有一个人无房住,这间客房的间数为?A. m-1 B. m C. m+1 D. m ----- ----+1 --------- ----+1 n n n n 某旅行团有游客m人,若每n个人住一个房间,还有一人无房住,可知客房的间数为( )A.m+1/n B.m/n+1 C.m-1/n D.m/n-1请写出解题过程或者思路, 一群游客住宾馆,每间住四人,剩下21人无房住;每间住7人,有一间住不满,可能有多少间房?多少游客?要过用一元一次不等式组解题 帮忙回答下面几个英语问题1.Where would you like to visit?Why?2.Would you like to go somewhere educational on vacation?3.What kind of friend do you like best?4.What kind of music do you like best?5.Who do you like most in your class?Why?6.W 帮我用英语回答几个下面的问题谢谢了~1.你认识的法国2.what is your opinion about the city of paris 3.have you been to france If not would you to go?4.where do you live5.if you wanted to go to france,how would you get there6.would when he has quite a little homework My son has studied English for quite_years,but he has made_progress.A.a few,a little B.a few ,littleC.few,little D.few,a few 答案什么外加理由 描写了什么? 夜雨寄北是谁写的 夜雨寄北的内容 《夜雨寄北》怎么写要全诗! 根据汉语意思完成下列句子.1:让我来告诉你去公园的路.Let me tell you __ __ __ the zoo.下面含有. Kate made few mistakes in the exam,_____?A.did he B.didn't he C.has he D.hasn't he并分析考察的知识点 Lihui made a few mistakes in the exam.Linda made more mistakes.的同义句 老子活了多少岁据可靠考证 夜雨寄北描述了什么(简短) 《正午牡丹》译文《正午牡丹》欧阳公尝得一古画牡丹丛,其下有一猫,未知其精粗.丞相正萧吴公与欧公姻家,一见,曰:“此正午牡丹也.何以明之?其花披眵而色燥,此日中时花也.猫眼黑睛如线, 正午牡丹的译文, Exercises are good for your health But strenous ones not good 已知数轴上数a、b、c对应点的位置如图所示,化简|c-b|+|c一a|一|b一al 赵明看一本书已经看了72页正好是这本书的9分之8这本书共有多少页 赵明看一本120页的故事书,已经看了这本书的1/4,已经看了多少页?想:要求出已经看了多想:要求出已经看了多少页,就是求( )是多少,列式为( ). I will go swimming.It won't be cold tomorrow(合并成含if的条件句) 已知:a>3,化简:(1) la-3l; (2) l3-al