
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 02:34:42
巧填带"水字"的词语1.比喻向来不认识的人偶然相遇叫“()水()()”2.比喻两不相犯叫“()水()()()水” give everything she having to 会说话的眼睛 是什么修辞手法 After he said goodbye to his friends,he left.After ___ ___ to his friends,he left.(改为同义句) be equivalent 给古诗词加上简要批注随风潜入夜润物细无声( )少壮不努力老大徒伤悲.( )纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行() 死去元知万事空,但悲不见九州同.()上面写不下了 一起回答了 把古诗词补完整,加上简要批注为古诗词加上简要批注.例如:博学之,审问之,慎思之,明辨之,笃行之.(要广泛地多方面学习,详细的问,慎重的思考,明确的分辨,踏踏实实地实行.)我已经补完整 be equal to do还是be equal to doing Tom ________ John in age.A.is equal withB.is equal to C.equals toD.equals with强大人具体说说be equal with和be equal to的区别在哪里? be equal to与equal to意思上的区别 be equal with和ne equal to书上说equal后常接to 和with.我看到接to的还挺多,没看到过接with的.还有人说不能接with.但接是应该可以接的 金山词霸上查的equal也说常接with和to.说能告诉我他们的区别呢? Don't write here! 中国的名词和印尼的名词有什么共同点和区别 Both of them have thier own and weakness,and therefore I don't know which to choose.A.strengthBoth of them have thier own and weakness,and therefore I don't know which to choose.A.strengths B.features C.approaches D.values 请帮忙想一想) 求 英文影评RT.. berth作名词时是不是可数名词需要加复数么? there is aspecial price(before 6pm onsaturdays) 对括号内提问 there is a special on coffee this week. Put your bios images here! Don't put your tings here and there 这几个词有何区别?break damage distroy ruin帮忙讲一下它们分别代表多大的破坏程度? “进而”一词与“从而”一词有何区别?选择“从而”和“进而”填空“大风暴”作为专业的财经分析系统,可以对一家上市公司的全部财务指标进行深层次的专业分析,( )发现财务报表中的 关键词,词组,语句有何区别 填空:there is __than just one kind of Chinese food,diffrtent ares in China have special __.填空:there is __than just one kind of Chinese food,diffrtent ares in China have special ___ of cooking becanse of the differences in weather and geogra to travel is better than to 听说英特英语口碑不错,孩子也很喜欢,有好几家分校区呢?请问西城区有吗?具体位置? 松江寒假辅导机构口碑好的有哪些?我家孩子英语成绩老是不理想,想趁寒假给他突击下. 竞选校园电视台节目主持人,个人简历怎么写急啊、、、尽快 昂立英语的口碑怎么样? 请问:be pround to do 的意思是什么? 春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还.描绘了怎样的景象? 春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还描绘出怎样的景象?