来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 04:19:25
给我任何一个字(除繁体字以外)我可以马上说出这个字有多少笔.我想通过这项能力去参加一些综艺节目,可以挣到钱,帮我女朋友家还债,我这项能力可以挣钱吗.小弟在此谢谢了. 用英语写一个短文,描述对以下这句名言的理解Optimist:A man who gets treed by a lion but enjoys the scenery.(W.Winchell )乐观主义者:被狮子逼上了树但仍能欣赏风景的人.(温切尔) 英语翻译Mr.Hill arrives at London Airport,at the end of a three-week holiday in France.Usually he wears a beard(留胡须).Since it has been hot there,he has taken it off.But his passport photo shows him with his beard.An officer looks at the pho 描写大海,海边的好句 英语翻译翻译:How often do you go to the movies?I go to the movies once a month 并联电路2个电阻R1 R2,R1是特别小,类似于将R2短路,这时R2电压应该接近于0但是并联电路不是个支路电阻并联支路的电压不相等吗?上面问题怎么就不等了?于电源内阻有关吗 这是什么字母 英文迮么说 Peter likes (the blue) puppet.对括号部分提问 世界上最浅的、最大的、最咸的、最淡的海分别是什么?3Q请说清楚4个海的名称 The woman (in blue) is Joan's mother.对括号部分提问.( )woman( )Joan's mother?一空一词 The blue comb is (her mother's).怎么对括号里提问 关于保护课桌的标语有哪些?用于贴到教室内,要有丰富的文化气息和 如图所示,R1和R2都是“4W,100Ω”的电阻,R3是“1W,100Ω”的电阻,则AB间允许消耗的最大功率是_____________W. which fioor does she live on 怎么回答? 王萱可以翻译成罗马音么?可以的话请帮忙翻译成罗马音! 英语翻译轮回这种东西我怎么可能会认同,人类无论几次都可以重复着相同的人生,所以我才要收集钱啊. 在excel中,身份证号码提取年龄大于18岁的人,用什么公式 which ()does amy live on括号里加什么单词 求保护蓝鲸的标语! 保护蓝鲸 标语?列:赶快行动起来,挽救海洋中的老大———蓝鲸. 有没有保护蓝鲸的标语 设计一条保护蓝鲸的标语 如何保护蓝鲸 why not ---- ---at my home when you are free?同义句 把when are yuo free?同义句转换 西餐的正餐有哪些菜肴,其菜序什么? 连词成句 you,free ,can,when ,you ,are ,read ,a ,newspaper...陈述句 When I read the newspaper,I always read the _______ first.A .headlines B .headquarters C .heaven D .horizon 我从句关系词学的不好,求高人指教. A mother and a father have three daughters.Each daughter has got two brother.How many childrenare there in the family? a mother and afather has three daughters each daughter has two brothers how如题 梯形螺纹怎么计算牙低宽3.3/4外经怎么计算.低经多少.牙低宽多少.怎么计算谢谢 人的智商真的无下限?