
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 13:09:15
is,what,true,he,said,partly.连词组句 keep free keep free from synthetic oils,outting oils,amist of them这个是用油还是不用油? Do any of you want to come to a party tonight?请问这里的any of you 中文怎么理解呢?相同用法有例句最好了~ 英语翻译 this is my backpack---------that is my pencil case中应填什么有助于回答者给出准确的答案 芬兰、瑞典、挪威、丹麦都是老龄化国家吗? 类似one is simple,double is trouble押韵的英文句子 紧身裤用英语怎么说 take me your heart的歌词急 “我们会学得很好通过设计校服”用英语怎么说? 我们没必要穿校服用英语怎么说拜托各位大神 On the head of the little cat ,Is a big red cap 的中文意思是什么 a cat is ,but a ilon is big是a cat is l ,but a ilon is big那个单词开头是l Is the cat big or small?怎么回答 BIG CAT是那里的BIG CAT是哪个国家的,谢谢 what he said 是不是一个完整的句子,是的话请大家帮着做一下句子成分的划分!what he said is true中what he said 是不是一个独立的句子? 九省通衢的出处,指哪九省? 所谓“九省通衢”,有人说是泛指武汉通向外界的交通非常便利,并非实指九个省;有人说实指通过水陆交通,武汉可与四川、陕西、河南、湖南、贵州、江西、安徽、江苏以及湖北九省相通.“ ____ that woman -- A dancer A.What's B.Who's C.Where's D.Whose who which that where whose应该在什麽的後面用这些呢? 英语翻译力宏从上张专辑开始就标榜chinked---out,我英文不好,有知道的望不吝赐教, there is a house_____________the mountain.the boys are playing-____________the dog ________the bigthere is a house_____________the mountain.the boys are playing-____________the dog ________the big tree.some birds are flying_________it.mum is cooking pencil,the,is,the,in,pencil case.组成一句话 Look,there is a cat.____(it)eyes are big. The boy's eyes are big.but his mouth is blue,is,pencil,case,his (?) 连词成句 the,color,picture,please,red the,jacket,Tome's,color,what,of,is 三句都要 yesterday once more是哪部电影里的歌曲记得是一部在校园里的故事片,美国.不叫《春风化雨》. yesterday once more把听到的老歌比喻成什么?如题 You Don't Miss Your Water?啥意思 protect、keep、prevent、stop句型有什么不同?强人进 I get to school by bus和I go to school by bus有什么区别 示例:雨伞:总是用潮湿的身躯,彰显自身的价值灯泡:( )短尺:( )要求借物喻理表达出一种人生的感悟.