
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 19:09:55
i do not want this large bowl of noodles please give me a small< >能用size吗 有求必应中应的意思,荒无人烟中荒的意思,叹为观止中叹的意思快啊啊啊啊 描写祖国大好河山的古诗 有写是什么地方是诗句 你知道这些古诗写的是什么地方吗?遥望洞庭山水色,白银盘里一青螺会当凌绝顶,一览众山小天门中断楚江开,碧水东流至此回欲把西湖比西子,浓妆淡抹总相宜君不见黄河之水天上来,奔流到海 不信 这个词用一个字 怎么形容 went ___,i went out for a walkA.there was nothing to do B.there being nothing to do 为什么不选择a 有解释的哈.the girl ___short hair went out ___saying goodbye.A at ;with B with ;without C at ;in D with ;at this coat is too small for me.please show me ()A.the other B.another C.others D.other如果是another,后面不是应该还有一个one?C为什么不能作代词?》》?/ This coat is too small for me. could you show me ___one? A another B other C rest D else选哪个?为什么?谢谢 Would you please show me ___ one?A another B the other C other 荒无人烟是什么意思. 卷烟上的120s是什么意思 条装卷烟的条形码是什么意思?比如 1041146986985043GZYC431021104205 never be the “因为爱你(我变得)一无所有”的英文怎么说?括号里的可以不直译出来,但是必须有这层因果意思.不要翻得太“中国式”,口语化点、简练点. 曾经真的爱过我还是空白 中文歌词 温度较高时,H2O2发生均裂生成活性羟基自由基(•OH)吸收的何种能量? Please cut (_____) the banana (_____) small pieces.A.up,to B.up,into,to,into 答案是B为什么? Then cut a banana() small pieces.应该填什么? 妈妈,叫我怎么感谢你600字 急用 ( )you please peel one banana and cut it into pieces、 .Please cut ( ) the bananas ( ) small pieces A.up to B.up into to into.1.Please cut ( ) the bananas ( ) small pieces A.up to B.up into to into.2.They are trying to do something _______(help) the old.3.Go to the movies,_______? MARY DOES NOT HAVE ANY BOOKS (变肯定句) 两个“喜”字合起来的那个喜字怎么打出来?用智能ABC输入法 She dpesn't have any books in her hand.(同义句She()() books in her hand. 你们是想活在现实世界中还是童话世界中? 活在童话世界好,还是现实世界好? 老师为什么说我整天在编织童话世界?怎样才算是童话世界?我只想在现实达到更好的境界,我个人不觉是童话老师觉得我是个很虚构的人物.别人觉得我是个有个性的90后,我还真知道真实的自己 感谢你给我快乐 书信格式 老师或同学或妈妈.600字,书信格式, 4.To my surprise,he _____ the party with me.