
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 09:03:16
我投稿给某杂志,但杂志的投稿须知上说凡是在该杂志上发表的文章版权归其所有、反对一稿多投,那我我投稿给某杂志,但杂志的投稿须知上说凡是在该杂志上发表的文章版权归其所有、反对 发明创新类论文应该投到什么杂志上,推荐几个杂志,谢谢! 壑的读音是?用拼音答 谁能解释一下地理名词腹地的含义? 用于长期养鱼的话,用哪种材料做的塑料好?HDPE新料、还是聚丙烯?用于长期养鱼的话,用哪种材料做的塑料好?1、HDPE新料、还是聚丙烯?还是其他材料做的塑料?2、哪种材料是做食品级PP?谢谢回 机油壶低压聚乙烯颗粒中有少量瓶盖聚丙烯可以吹膜吗?还有绿色的桶,回料做的有沉底和漂的,造出来的颗粒能吹绿色方便袋膜吗 英语翻译6.3\x05The liability for defects shall be excluded,if the Contract Products are resold and processed either (i) with an obvious defect,(ii) after the detectability of a hidden defect or (iii) without a prior incoming goods inspection (in 英语翻译软件翻译谢绝.要仔细,精确,Dear customer,This is our company procedures,if you can follow our procedures,please contact us or send your LOI,otherwise we would not be able to entertain your requests.LONG TERM CONTRACT PROCEDURES1. 求经营合同的翻译,英翻中11.4. Any notices to be given hereunder by either Party to the other may be effected either by postal mail, registered or certified, postage prepaid with return receipt requested or by electronic mail. Mailed notices 英语翻译This Agreement is made and entered into as of the 1st day of January,2011 between [A] (hereinafter called the "Company'),which expression shall where the context so permits include the assigns and successors of the Company;and:[B,having i 对于加有较多增塑剂的两种塑料配方,如何考虑热稳定剂的加入量?请阐明理由.. 地域形态,地形单元,等这些词语是地理名词吗?词性是什么?梅雨,泥石流,等等 面条用英语怎么写 请问这是什么植物? 地理名词“落差”的含义 半岛、岛屿、大陆、大洲的概念是什么? 地理名词沙岛是什么意思 我回家后,闭合电灯开关,发现电灯不亮,用测电笔测灯泡两端接线柱,氖管发亮,这是因为? 除去氯化钠固体中混有的氯化镁,加入氢氧化钾溶液后过滤,滤液蒸发结晶哪里错了 How _________you dance!beautiful B.beautifully C.more beautiful选什么?理由, 13题选项A.more beautiful B.beautifully C.more beauti13题选项A.more beautiful B.beautifully C.more beautifully 麻药是用什么做成的? 哪种中药是毒麻药 麻醉剂含什么成分 麻醉剂的副作用麻醉剂用得过量会不会刺激神经 马蹄形磁铁 磁场马蹄形磁铁内部是匀强磁场吗 beautiful与beautifully的区别有助于回答者给出准确的答案 beautiful的用法和beautifully的用法 beautiful和beautifully有什么区别 一首英文歌,歌词大概有beautifully beautiful beautiful和beautifully的选择题there're a lot of trees on ___sides of the street.they make our city___.A,each ,beautiful B,blth,beautifully C,both,beautiful为什么用形容词而不用副词beautifue? 全国性的抢购,碘盐以前是什么?