
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 07:55:00
what is the matter with them 对么 What is the teacher ( )to themA saying B speaking C talking D listening 问你的表几点什么时候用on your watch什么时候用by your watch? Our class is the last ( ) cleaning the classroom.用finish ,finishing ,finishes ,to finish填空 our school finishes at 5 in the afternoon对划线部分提问 The students in our class come from different _________(country).country要不要加复数啊 爱护环境 保护家园的作文近年来,由于环境污染 植被破坏 气候变暖 干旱 雪灾 沙尘等恶劣天气反复无常,地震频发.请以爱护环境 保护家园为主题,写一篇自命题作文,字数不限,呼吁保护人们赖 英语翻译It's hard to breathe,it's hard not to see you.In a hard way of love,it's hard to reach you.You put me into my sadness,you left me no wish.I called your name everywhere but you didn't call mine.You burnt all the firewood for winter night.Y what are some of your resolutions?write about them.作文 what are some of your resolutions?write about them.英语作文,不要复制网上那篇.I'm going to study harder and become a top student in my class.I also plan to exercise more to stay in good health.I will go to learn a musical instrument if I h What are some of your resolutions?Write about them写你的一些计划 What did happen to you the day before yesterday?(改错) 改错 it is a bad day yesterday.it is a bad day yesterday. 改错 ()What (1)are(2) the news Peter(3) won (4)the first prize yesterday ——(1)are划线 (2)the news划线 (3)won划线 (4)the first prize 划线 作文,题目《遵纪守法、珍爱生命、保护自我》 设b>0,数列{an}满足:a[1]=b,a[n]=nba[n-1]/(a[n-1]+2n-2)(n≥2).设b>0,数列{an}满足:a[1]=b,a[n]=nba[n-1]/(a[n-1[+2n-2)(n≥2).⑴求数列{an}的通项公式 ⑵证明:对于一切正整n,有a[n]-1 翻译把这首古诗翻译出来,题目也要哦~~可不可以一句句翻译过来啊 英语翻译My fiancée and I decided that there were matters we should be in charge of in a separate way.From my family’s side,we needed to decide on the dress,the shoes,and the place and its decoration.On the other hand,my fiancée’s family sid 英语翻译不用太长 怎么办? 我女儿做作业非常慢怎么办?她习惯不太好做作业带做带玩,喜欢分心,现在上初一了作业又多,一放学就回来做一直做到10点多,有时都做不好,礼拜天都没时间休息,趴在写字台上就是一天. Taylor Swift 的Mine 中文歌词 Taylor Swift-Mine 当中令我不解的歌词.1.I was a fly risk with the fear of falling.fly risk是虾米意思?2.You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter.这句话如何翻译?3.You were in college working part time waiting tables.这 把这句话翻成 西班牙语 哈哈~我很厉害吧! 谁能帮我把这句话翻成西语?我们要做的,也许是不停的寻找,也许是不停的等待!亲爱的,请相信我,我相信你会看到的!翻译成西语!要求口语化,表情达意准确! 英语翻译昨天玩的很开心,但一点儿书都没看,再次想郑重的对老师说一声:对不住您了啊~ 翻一句西班牙语“今天我给大家讲几个笑话”翻成西语~ 请看那边的显示屏.用英语怎么说 帮我翻一下这句西班牙语Imprescindible poseer una discapacidad. 如何才能真诚待人?我想交朋友,但很难表现自己,和别人真心交流 求一首轻快的英文歌.男生唱的. 网线用英语怎么说啊!网线的英语怎么说啊和电话线一样吗是cat5吗