
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 14:51:03
计算定积分的 微积分原理第一题的1~6 描写庄稼丰收的成语?要找四个成语以上。 表示庄稼丰收的成语有哪些 第二个字是五和第四个字是六的组合成语 五在第二字六在第四字的四字成语 单句改错Much homework were given to us last weekend.Newspapers read every day at home ,in offices and on buses.The dog must be taken good care every day.A football match will give to the students the day after tomorrow.I have a lot of work to be 初三英语句子改错1Miss Liu made a teaching plan on the beginning of this term 2Last year,the cold weather cause problems for people in the countryside 3Our math teather is very patient to us 4As a doctos,I can't do mistake 5My uncle wanted to 句子改错1.She is becoming increase interseted in stamps.2.Advertising companies need a new way sell3.With the money,she bought a new coat to her.4.The room is not big enough for us five to live. 初三英语改错句子1.Hard for him to help us.2.It's convenient of her come today.3.I was stupid enoughto don't take my parents advice.4.Tom was enough old to go to school. a blind man whom loves music and the world so much.这句话有错吗应该怎么改呢需要把whom改成that还是? 我是新人这句话英文怎么写 比喻最荒凉的地方,最昂贵的稿费,最反常的气候,最绝望的前途应该用什么样的成语? 【求古典小说中描写衣着装扮的句子】头戴一顶皂纱转角簇花巾,身穿一领紫绣团龙云肩袍,腰系一条玲珑嵌宝玉绦环,足穿一双金线抹绿皂朝靴,带一张弓,插一壶箭头上戴着束发嵌宝紫金冠,齐 描写衣着装扮的短语或是句子比如说骑士的装扮是整齐的,被银色的盔甲覆盖,手持利剑之类的描写最好来点山贼,平民,贵族,魔法师一些的因为最近想些写玄幻小说,想多积累点素材. 求描写现代女生穿着打扮的句子.要甜美青春的和妖娆外向的.好的会加分. f(x)=(x+2)^5,x=2在指定点的二阶导数 十有些什么成语 找个成语(什么目十什么)? 一什么十什么这个成语谁知道? 十成语是什么 古代新娘的外貌描写 描写人物神态的四个字的成语 勤劳节俭的成语 勤勉节俭的成语要12个快啊 趣说成语之最,最大的嘴() 清开头的成语 f(x)在[0,+∞)有连续导数,f'(x)>=k>0,f(0) 用“洋”跟“琳”这两个字组一个四字成语或妙语 同音也可以! 若f(x)=x÷1-x^2求f(2)=?导数 ①求f(x)=根号x^2+2 在x=1时导数值 ②f(x)=x^4+3x-2求f1(2) 用“洋”跟“芝”这两个字组一个四字成语 同音也可以!像组成一段句子之类的,幸福一点的最好啦 先在这里谢谢 亲们 "清"开头的成语 内容有关国家的 只有一层细胞构成的结构?范围:7个