来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 16:32:50
读小松鼠吃东西的体会是什么 英语翻译还记得一年前的一句话吗?或许你已经忘了,现在的我还是喜欢你,而且胜过以前,不管你相不相信.经常看见你的笑容,你那阴晴的表情,很可爱!时不时的总会想起你,真的慢慢地喜欢上你 谁能给我翻译一下这段,感谢不尽Before putting the policy into action, you consider other possibilities. one possibility is that the number of customers might doubt if the ticket was reduced to$3 but, if lowered further, the customers woul 1.Mike2.Miss wang3.Mr Green4.his aunt5.my father6.your mother7.Mike and l8.Su Hai and Su Yang9.You and your classmate10.She and he用人称代词的主格替代下列单词或词组 怎样既能快速地做完作业又能玩电脑啊 我们必须在写完作业后才能玩电脑.用英语怎么说? 英语翻译Breaking The DeadlockEuropean mobile broadcasting is in great shape,if only the politicians and regulators would pull their fingers out!This seems to be the general consensus of an industry that’s almost desperate to start transmitting 英语翻译Burma's state media are hailing the capture of a rare,white elephant as a sign the country will enjoy peace,stability and prosperity under a new,elected government,as the media say it does under present military rule.The official New Ligh 英语翻译 哪位高人帮帮我给我一篇关于《生活是什么的作文》谢谢. 怎么办? 为什么看不到海的对岸人为什么站在海边看不到海的对岸,哪怕站的太高,拿着望远镜都看不到吗?假设一个人站在秦皇岛码头200米的高处,肉眼能看到对面的大连吗?肉眼如果看不到,拿着普通望 速度超过光年会怎样? “不为彼岸,只为海”出自何人之口? 1.30元能买什么样的悠悠球 2.怎样空转时间长 3.我是女生并且是新手 我来选一选.1、深:(A)与浅“相反;(B)久,时间长;(C)程度高;(D)颜色重.(1)海水有(深)有浅.(2)这本书的内容太(深)了.(3)夜(深)了,小明家灯还亮着.2、举:(A)向 excel 多条件筛选和求和 用sumproduct不对,出现#value错.我想问一下,A列=【1234,2345,3456】;B列=【张三,李四,王五】;C列=【1234,2345,1234,3456……】;D列=【5678,23,56,345……】现在我想E列等于A列中某一 the astronaut is so tired that he (the astronaut is so tired that he ( )for eleven hours.astronaut这个单词 什么意思?括号里的应该怎么填? 哪里可以参考生物知识? He has been working for more than 5 hours.________ he is so tired.A.There is no point B.There is no wonder C.It is no wonder D.It is no way 为什么H2+O2不能等于水?水能分解成H2+O2,那为什么就不能变成水呢? H2+O2到底等于什么 水分解成为H2+O2的时候水是不是就等于不见了 用合适的人称代词代替下列词组a boya girlan english bookyour rulerhis penher keys 这个最小正周期怎么求? 求y=1-2sinx最小正周期 求4cosxsin(x+π/3)-1 的 最小正周期 写出下列单词或词组相应的人称代词主格 1.jim and i 2.peter and Mike 3.a duck 4.my parents 5.your sister 6.you and winnie 7.rose 8.rose's and sister 与下列单词或词组照应的人称代词的主格.1.Jim and I 2.Peter and Mike 3.a duck 4.my parents 5.your sister 6.you and Winnie7.Rose 8.Rose's sister 求初一周记1篇,400字左右,有意义的,但不要太假 钟面时针从8时到11时整的过程中 时针在钟面上旋转了多少度 分针在钟面上转了多少圈 网络安全面临的威胁主要有哪些