
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 21:10:44
通过纸上一点,能画( )条直线,通过纸上两点能画( )条直线 在一张纸上任意画两条直线,这两条直线可能什么,什么或什么 Very few people,if any,still support this idea.中文是什么意识? the day very few people "make" their own clothes.为什么"make"不加s? eating balanced food are very important for me 改错 汉字的发展逐步从象形走向甲骨文,后面是什么 天鹅湖中黑天鹅英文名叫什么给个英文名 字母形式的 一鼓作气是出自吕氏春秋吗? I have shown you all the interesting and important places of our school.—Thank you for ()soI have shown you all the interesting and important places of our school.—Thank you for ( )so much time.A taking B spending C costing D having 历史上有没有过投降太平天国的清军将领啊我也知道堂堂朝廷命官投降长毛,的确是件耻辱的事,但是我想不可能个个骨头都那么硬吧,尤其还有很多是汉人,在长毛巅峰时期,难道思想就没动摇 洋人帮清军镇压太平天国了吗? 太平天国清军在什么地方攻破天京的? 1.Trees do good (to) our health.为什么要用to 不用for,不是 do sth for sb 吗?还有这句:2.People are doing bad things (to) the earth. 大学学哪几种小语种最好? I am g____ to konw that you are much better now初中英语 首字母填空. but when at last he understood he became very anxious 是不是应该是but when at last he understood,he became very anxious At last,all the students became very( )中间的空填什么? My favorite movies is action movies and comedies.怎么写才对? Thank you for give a nice presend.哪里错误,Which is difficult,English or Chinese?We'll have a party in next week.Child alaways open presents in the morning of Christmas Day. He lived his grandma ,and his parents were working in another city. He lived with his grandma ,and his parents were working in another city.这两个都表示存在的状态,为什么前面用过去时,后面用进行时啊? 对于英语初学者来说、新概念英语这本书管用吗?急用 八国联军打了哪些国家 请问下各位网友们:清军.国军.共军.八国联军以及侵华日军谁最厉害? 用who,which,that,when,where,why填空1.That's ______ he was absent.2.My watch is not the only thing ____is missing.3.Do you know the reason ____she was late?顺便解释一下先行词哈,谢啦... My close eyes close my hear 美国建国时为什么选择总统制 Don't give up everything what you want to do ,in the end you will succeed 一小时内给我说! 黄兴的总统制和宋教仁的内阁制有什么不同?最近在看近代史.荆含 你的回答也很好,可是只能选一个。 all you need is love为什么不是all your need is love? 帮我找些共产党与国民党的战争中的故事我回加分的哦 翻译Watashi no kokoro no sakebi ,Watashi wa anata o ushinau koto ni shitakunai什么意思,