
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 10:44:59
请帮忙翻译成英文 尽量接近大学水平 谢谢了噢陈翔 陈翔出生于1989年12月13号,他就读于四川音乐学院绵阳艺术学院现代艺术系08级音乐表演班,他喜欢打球,弹吉他.他积极上进,善良,坚强,执着, 经典中文式英文有哪些? 这是中国航天史上规模最大、技术最复杂、安全性和可靠性要求最高的跨世纪重点工程.(缩句) 缩句 这是中国航天史上规模最大,技术最复杂,安全性和可靠性要求最高的跨世纪重点工程怎样讲清楚给学生 Barts and Lisa play a game.Bart has one die and Lisa has two.They each take one roll.What is thequestion about probabilityBarts and Lisa play a game.Bart has one die and Lisa has two.They each take one roll.What is the probability that the number Bar --Waiter!--______.--It's too hot.I can't eat it.A.OK B.All right C.Yes? Celebrate with the whole country 是什么意思? celebrate sth with sth是什么意思? 英文翻译如果一定要说 daily night 语法对么?有这么说的么? 英语翻译好像是sounds什么a plan 中间是什么啊? 有情趣的话,调情时能让他兴奋的话! hope是什么意思 HoPe什么意思? Just ▁your favourite hobby.填空 生命给了我什么,我就去享受什么. 单词拼写 1.You should pay attention to your behavior.After all,first____(印象)are half the battle2.It's just a____(常规的)medical exmaination,nothing to get worried about3.The____(推荐)dosage is one tablet every four hours4.If plastic and Pay attention to your chest,to spring a leak "There is little water in the botfle.Please have it."的错误在哪里聪明者 你块块现身吧 王怜花在《古金兵器谱里》说,对生命本身充满热爱,享受并珍视生活中的美,这是一种禅的生活方式,为什么?这种“禅”指的是什么呢?有懂哲学或佛理的人,可不可以联系“对生命本身充满热爱 ability给下例句...可接介词in表示“在某方面的能力"的例句可接动词不定式作定语的例句谢谢~! 假如生命只有一天成人时光,请分享你的人生理想,以及为什么?假如生命有一百年成人时光,请分享你的人生理想,以及为什么?假如生命有一千年成人时光,请分享你的人生理想,以及为什么? 对外汉语---aptitude and ability英语名词解释 马攀翠竹什么意思 根据首字母补全单词:Is this (y )jacket,John?No,(i ) isn't.My jacket is new,but this jacket is (o ).I think this is Peter's (j ).No,it's not my jacket.My jacket is blue.This jacket is (b ).(W ) jacket is this?Oh,it's my jacket.(T ) you. 园中遍植翠竹,因竹叶形状很像一个“个”字,故名“个园”.这句话中有两个引号第一个引号表示什么?第二个表示什么?急! 中的引号为什么是这样子的?是这个 老人点了点头,说:“是的,那是30年前的事了。有一年初春,我背这枝猎枪,在贝尔湖畔的沼泽地打野鸭。那年的春天来得特别早,一些候鸟从南方飞来 The boy _____ (sit) beside me and asking the way to the police station.说明原因 we walked as fast as we could ,( )to catch the train.A hoping B to hope C hoped D being ...we walked as fast as we could ,( )to catch the train.A hoping B to hope C hoped D being hoped 选什么?为什么? 矩形的两条对角线的夹角为60°,一条对角线与短边的和是15,对角线长是多少,两边长分别等于多少 翻译 One you can't wait to get past,the other you wish would linger forever. Though he was angry at the naughty boy's rudeness,he__himself and talked to him with patience.A.pThough he was angry at the naughty boy's rudeness,he__himself and talked to him with patience.A.persuaded B.prepared C.relaxed D.happy Though he () of the danger,()the naughty boy didn't listen to meA was warned;yet Bwarned;/ Cwas warned;but Dis warning;/