
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 23:43:32
八年级<小石潭记>这课的“伐竹取道,下见小潭”中的“见”读音是什么“青树翠蔓”的“蔓”读音是什么? 高中英语一题 选A 讲原因 分析一下Otherwise Trade makes it possible for surplus (过剩的) manufactured goods to be traded abroad for the agricultural products that would be lacking.A otherwise B certainly C however D therefore这里othe 数学问题3公斤的10分之1是多少公斤 The Way That U Change My World求中文意思. 词性转换(初三英语)1.On a ______ night,you can see thousands of stars in the sky.(clearly)2.Such cold weather is quite _______ in June and people have to wear warm clothes again.(usually)3.After flying in the storm for nearly one hour,the 初三英语选择与词性转换1.More and more college students would like to work in______western part of China_______next year.A.a...the B.a...a C./...the D.the.../2.Many people like traveling during their holidays._______enjoy stayi 词性转换!Students can use a ______ of ways to memorize something.(various)If you visit ______,maybe you will make many ______ friends and learn to speak a little ______.(variety) 合唱小组的人数比科技小组的人数多5分之3,科技小组的人数比合唱小组的人数少() 陈子昂摔琴换名一事能看出他是怎样的人?该怎么评价这个行为? 《燕昭王》 陈子昂的解释 合唱小组的人数比科技小组的人数多5分之3,科技小组的人数比合唱小组的人数少几分之几 donate的词性和其他翻译? 英语翻译 Ten minutes later he has lunch.In the afternoon ,he often plays games with his students.意思 When he left______ college,he got a job as ___ reporter in a newspaper office第一空不填,第二空填 a 主要不明白为什么第一个不填,college 是可数名词吧,直接跟在left 星星咋眼睛是怎么回事啊?星星问什么看起来会咋眼睛啊? he took a part-time job as a t___ when he was in college Look at the little boy.he's( )a bike. he( )well. ( )he 《孟子.告子下》的翻译 《孟子·告子下 》孟子曰:“舜发于畎亩之中,傅说举于版筑之闲,胶鬲举于鱼盐之中,管夷吾举于士,孙叔敖举于海,百里奚举于市.故天将降大任于是人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏 一条直线上有a,b,c,d四个点,ab=bc=cd,若在b点处放一个负点电荷,则 ab与cd间电势差绝对值为什么相等电场线越密集等势面越密集 不是吗在线等 描写草顽强的诗句要作者和意思, 师徒俩人加工了338个零件,师傅每小时加工42个,徒弟每小时加工32个,已知师傅加工了4小时,徒弟加工了多少小时?要有未知数哦! be helpful 的用法Chess players find that playing against a computer is helpful to improve their skills.这句话中 to improve 错在何处?是不是应改为to improving?谢Chess players find that playing against a computer is helpful to improve 《孟子告子下》(君子从政九)译文从“鲁欲使乐正子为政……”到“……国欲治,可得乎?” 用方程解决 方程怎么列师徒加工了338个零件,师傅每小时加工42,徒弟每小时加工34个,师傅加工4用方程解决方程怎么列师徒加工了338个零件,师傅每小时加工42,徒弟每小时加工34个,师傅加工4小 英语翻译《孟子 告子下》孟子曰:"舜发于畎亩之中,博说举于版筑之间,胶鬲举于鱼盐之中,管夷吾举于士,孙叔敖举于海,百里奚举于市.故天将降大任于是人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤, 师徒二人同时开始工作3小时加工了240个零件,师傅每小时加工42个,徒弟每小时可以加工多少个? Look at the boy!His name is Peyer.___ is a student.空格应填什么? 关于《孟子告子下》······孟子曰:“舜之居深山之中,与木石居,与鹿豕游,其所以异于深山之野人者几希.及其闻一善言,见一善行,若决江河,沛然莫之能御也.”在说明一下异于深山的“异 《钢炼》真理与小人的问题.真理对烧瓶小人说“我是被你们称为世界的存在,或者说是宇宙,或者说是神,或者是真理,或者说是全,或者说是一,并且我就是你.为了不让你得意忘形,给予你正确的 迪士尼神奇英语哪一集里出现了How are you?这个句型.