
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:48:44
he spend two hours a day playing volleyball(用it作主语)It____ ____two hours a day ____ ____volleyba填空怎么填? 介词填空 1.— fact cooking is _ moms 2._ the evening of October 1st I went out _a walk__my family3.What is your dog__?We can heip you look__it4.I get up __einght __the morning5.There was a garden __the house6.Don't talk __drink in class根据句 对 how to spend his weenkend 提问 You can spend another two hour piaying football 改为同义句Can you lend me your MP5?Can_____ _____ ______ Can I ________ _________ _________ ______ you? ___ production up by 60%,the company has had another excellent year.A.AS B.For C.Because D.With 我选的是A,为什么,为什么又不选其他答案,我感觉都行 The company has a good year with production up.这句话中up为什么是副词,而不是形容词?如果up是副词,那副词能单独修饰be动词吗? The tourists were attracted by the beauty of n____ and decided to stay another two days. _____by the beauty of nature,the girl from London decided to spend another days on the farm.这个题为什么不能用having attracted 而只能用attracted?having done不是表示动作发生在谓语V之前吗?用在这里符合句意啊?麻烦给 In Hangzhou he was struck by _____ beauty of ____ nature that he stayed for another night.A the; /B /;/B/;the为什么beauty前要the? 英语学霸都哪儿去了 帮忙造句哟 In Hangzhou Mr.Green was so struck by _ beauty of _ nature that he stayed for another night.A./.../ B./...the C.the.../ D.the...the 是灾难让我们学会感恩和守望 灾难总爱“青睐”贫穷的国家.这次地震让我们想起了2004年12月26日发生在印度洋的大海啸.那一次海啸席卷印度洋周边数个国家,导致了近30万人丧生.而这些国家 凡尔赛宫的镜廊的英语是什么? 什么是公共文明指数如题 第三人称造句 在社会中如何生存 最重要的是什么最近了解到要想真正的随心所欲就要 做这个世界的权贵或者是新阶层 可是要怎么去做呢是 学历吗 Year __ year,all the months fly by.介词填空请帮忙 在公共场上要注意的文明礼貌有哪些 要英语回答 越多越好 It was in the supermarket that i bought the computer.为什么用that而不用其它的呢?而且这个句子是定语从句吗,同志们,急用 i bought many apples in the supermarket.(in the supermarket划线提问) .always...造句 stay with me tonight怎么读 社会上怎么样才能做到最好的为人处事? 如今社会应该怎么做人? 我是女孩子,12岁了,乳房应该发育成甚么样啊? If only I __about his coming,I would have met him at the station.A.had known B.knew二选一 I would have argued with him about the matter ___an opportunity of meeting.选项:a.if I have had b.if I had c.had I had d.should I have 一架航空模型需要多少个电动马达来提供动力 例如在空中上升 俯冲 转向 和翻滚等我对航模很感兴趣,但对这方面的了解知之甚少,模型在空中转向或翻滚到底是靠哪里来提供动力,又是怎么样 ”难道”在英语语法中怎么表示 我的英语语法每次用的时候都搞混,怎么办啊 帮我看一下这些英语语法和表述有什么错误?1 Vegetables contain a variety of vitamins,these vitamins are the essential to the maintain life.While the meat has fat which causes many disease.2 The free time at noon is short,but in the ev 表示数量的英语语法twin engine,twin enginestwin 加一个名词,表示两个什么的,这个时候名词到底用单数还是复数? You'll find this map of great___in helping you to get around London.A.price B.cost C.value D.usefulness请说明理由