
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 13:44:24
I can call her for more information (对划线部分提问)(画线处:more information) Wonder Woman 意大利语mi chiamo marnia sono Cina 意大利文Mi chiamo是什么意思 有的发给我我急用速度最好是老师英语还有品德 如何仿写朱自清的背影给点提示 最好写一篇 不要以背影为题或线索 请问这意大利语什么意思Se mi amate!Se mi amate!Vorrei tornare a mettere da parte tutti intorno a te.Spero che lei felice! TU MA ya lo se ,tu ahora mismo no kiere vea a mi 英语翻译:所有的空余时间(free time) My free time 加翻译 in.free.time.多于怎么翻译 free time activities的中文意思这个段已是什莫意思 1.5个厚,一张1000X2000的钢板有多重? 一个直角三角形钢板用200分之1的比例画在图上,两条直角边共长5.4cm,他们长度的比是5:4.实际面积是多少?急,最好今天就给答案. 意大利语中voi和tu的区别 You _____ make such mistakes again.标签:is 回答:3 浏览:699 提问时间:2005-10-16 16:40 You _____详细一点You _____ make such mistakes again.A.should never B.should not always C.would always not D.would not forever 如果你是老师,对一个很勤奋却总考不出好成绩的学生,你会说什么呢 求木心先生语录.最好是TXT.句子也可以.要全一点的 谁有中学生感谢老师的经典语录?最好有趣点. Some student won't be boring if we play games at the party.Some student won't be boring if we play party games at the party.________ ______ ____ ___________A B C D 有一处是错的,请帮忙找出并改错. 1.You can come to the party only by ---(invite)2.Youcan call EnglishStudyCenter---some advice at the party ,we met some b___ scientists 我们将会在聚会上提供给你饮料we will()some drinks()you at the party 英语翻译A big business starts with a small idea Also it should be commercially viable and practical You are my prince of a fairy tale Perhaps Love is a sad fairy tale; You give up a love of people,not pain; Abandon the one you love the people,that before suffering; A fall in love with people who do not love you,it is more painful.If Predestiny,time and space are not distance; f out 石英玻璃管承受2个大气压 壁要多厚做COD检测 需要石英消解管 如果消解管直径20MM 那么壁要多厚才能承受2个大气压呢 mama boy是什么意思 什么是Mama boy 一道简谐运动的物理题质点做简谐运动,从质点经过某一位置时开始计时,则[ ]A.当质点再次经过此位置时,经过的时间为一个周期 B.当质点的速度再次与零时刻的速度相同时,经过的时间为一 我该怎么问妈妈要一个Game Boy?我这次考的不错,全年级前十,我想要一个Game Boy,该怎么和妈妈说?我怕她不允许……