
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 01:04:53
This is my mom._(she)name isThis is my mom. _(she)name is Kate. how to make progress in English learning? 唇亡齿寒这个故事给了我们什么样的教训? 唇亡齿寒告诉了我们什么教训? 是Does your brother ( )your brother have~ 这是什么工具 这个是什么工具? baby(acoustic)不是要翻译的!使用英语说成中文的!谁能给我啊!比如live(辣舞)就是这样的 急 概括唇亡齿寒的故事语言越简练越好!概括这个故事!唇亡齿寒和退避三舍的故事!两个!概括! 连词成句what、think、game.show,you、do、of、 How was you school trip?( ) What do you think of the game show?( )A I can't stand it.B It was pretty good. keep your guys eyes open 首字母填空 what is the c of an earthquake 历史上的4.21日有什么意义 This moon cake has some meat in it.怎样变一般疑问句 乐高补士是什么东西啊? This moon cake has some meat in it.求翻译 那个警察局全套才六百?刚才编号时你后面X后数字什么意思? 英译汉1)和2),并分析2)句的句子结构My fingers gripped the small worn blue leather copy of the book that was to identify me to her.a friendship for which I had been and must ever be grateful. 英译汉、分析句子结构、谢谢! 英译汉,最好能从句子结构上分析一下."The effects of obvious methods of comparison such as posting grades can be serious",says Hill,"a child who has had his confidence really damaged needs a rescue operation". offen是什么意思 在蔡依林罗志祥2011的视频上 有首英文歌 歌词里有一句是cuz you're my lady 请问歌名叫什么 GER是什么文件 外国古代的敬语求解释,如your grace、my lady、my lord等如题 ger lou ger lou de 啥意思啊例:喝水呛的ger lou ger lou de , 在日本历史上有哪些著名的人物?最好说的详细些>. 日本历史上有哪些著名天皇? 日本有哪些著名的作家(包括历史上的)?都有哪些有名的作品? because可不可以在从句中当头.如:I like apple.Because it is sweet. 历史上有名的人物的生日是12月7日 1.I hate sweet food.Especially,I____(like) eating cake.2.The workers will finish mending the road _B__ this month.A in B by C at D on为什么不是A而是B?