
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 17:57:45
为什么太阳可以永不灭呢? What do you get(for) your birthday用for的原因并举个相关问题 He will go on a ___ to Venice next week That's where the shoe pinches! are three _ asisstants in that_shop women shoeA.women;shoe B.women;shoes .正确选A,不知道为什么不选B, ( )little children can only do ( )little work.so,such在括号里要怎么填写,为什么 such little kids can only do so little homework.so修饰形容词such修饰名词,为什么用so修饰homework这个不可数名词?求解答. what did you get () your birthday?An MP3,from my aunt A at B for C to注明原因 请问以上德文的阿拉伯数字第二个,第三个,第五,六,七个分别是什么数字啊? 阿拉伯数字37的英文怎么写 Is this the factory __________ he worked ten years ago?i s this the factory __________ he worked ten years ago?A.that B.where C.which D.the one 问that等于the 为什么不选择that? what do you do at your birthday? what did you get your birthday A.what did you get your birthday A.to B.at C.of D.in 选什么 墨子简介一定要简介,快 《墨子》简介 介绍墨子 和 介绍《墨子》急! 语文六上第三单元辩论会我是讲诚信的那一方 苏教版小学六年级语文下册第五课最后一题小小辩论会怎么做,要200字.问题是“廉颇是赵国名将,威震七国.他用负荆请罪的方式向蔺相如请罪,不是有辱威名吗?“对于这个说法你是怎么看的,写 小小辩论会作文四年级第四单元 谁会:____i turn on the radio?--you'd better not.it is noisy enough in this room. A.shall B.must C.need D.do the baby is sleeping.you'd better to turn down the radio这个改错怎么改知道的说下哈 墨子一生有多少成就? This story sounds very interesting.什么句型结构 作文《最近发生的一件事》450字 求一篇六年级的“难忘的第一次”作文!字数在350~450左右!急,今天要交! This story sounds interesting.这的故事听起来有趣.改为一般疑问句和法定形式. The little boy_______reading "harry potter"today.A、finishes B、has finishedThe little boy_______reading "harry potter"today.A、finishes B、has finished C、is finishingD、finish The little boy has()homework today than yesterday.A.little B.less C.few D.fewer The boys are reading the (interest)book,Harry Potter II 如果晚上猫头鹰来了,真的会有人死? How soon will you finish the building?— ______.3.—How soon will you finish the building?— ______.A.In two months B.Two months \x05\x05 C.After two months 选什么? I will return it to you as soon as I [finish]reading it.适当形式填空