
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 19:55:14
Try hard and I am sure you will get good grades 对 the fifth提问用什么He live on the fifth fioor in the building.________ ________ does he live _____in the building? the fifth和one fifthThere are so many new words in________chapter.It`s a bit hard.我认为填the fifth或one fifth都有道理,那么到底该填哪一个呢?为什么? 英语翻译In another case,dissatisfied employees of the thief tipped off (向…透露) the company that was being robbed.(97年1月六级阅读真题) "the fifth wheel"是啥意思啊? the fifth lesson的意思 大卫 摩尔一定要在指定的时间领取花车吗 摩尔 大卫的新房子大卫有什么新房子呀?怎么搞到手? The ___(hard) you work,the ____ (good) grades you'll get. close down用主动还是被动为什么也用主动呢? close up和close down有什麽区别..意思上的.. close down,close up和close out 都有关闭的意思,如何区分?此外close is a foggy day today,so we have to close _______our airport for a short time.A down B away C up D out没有看题目拉 “close down" 是主动的还是被动的? We went to Miss Green.She gave us ______.A.some advice B.advices C.an advice D.some advices I‘m going to give you [ ] a advice b some advices c an advice d some advice 小明有一家有三兄弟.老大叫大明.老2叫2明.老3叫什么?老3叫小明 小明家有三兄弟,大的叫大明 二的叫二明三的叫什么 世界上最难的迷语,谁帮我猜一猜,我至今还没有想到:小明家有三兄弟,大儿子叫小一,二儿子叫小二,那三儿 clothes中o的读音 clothe和clothes的发音如何掌握?就是/ð/和/ðz/的区别.就是那个/z/我读不出区别来. clothes中的thes怎么样发音? give sb.some advice翻译成中文 Could you give me some advice?翻译 give sb some advice give me some adviceam i too naive and can't understand the law of the society.i know no pain,no gain.yes,not every pain can get the proper gain.but,i think ,at least we have the fair opportunity.this final exam,i got a bad result.that's not i didn't 求新概念3~mp3格式音频~cherryxiaoli@126.com~谢谢 新概念3和4 英语mp3音频 邮箱jiliangxscg@126.com a 50% discount怎么用英文读? 如图正方形OEFG绕着边长为30的正方形ABCD的对角线的交点O旋转,边0E,0G分别交边AD,AB于点M,N,求证0m=0N,②连接OF交Bc于点P,已知pm=10,求Bm的长 英语discount的用法?关于打折的英语 英语discount的用法?或者关于打折的英语 when you leave ,please t____o____.the lights in the classroom