
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 21:35:13
I'm sure he'll come tomorrow同义句He is____ _____ ____tomorrow. WP8好还是iOS好 every drop of tears,every moan out of pain and every cry for help then__like knife cutting deepinto his heart.答案是was,为什么不是is或者是复数形式呢? 我想表达“在远行”,想用的是现在完成进行时,如果这样说,have been going on a long trip,总觉得有点不妥,go好像是非延续性动词,不能这样用吧!那我该如何表达我想要的呢?答得让我满意者, 求一个IOS游戏的名字这个游戏是单机的,应该不需要联网.这个游戏可以一个人或多个人进行游戏,在游戏中,玩家扮演的是一个小黑球人物,通过触碰屏幕使得所控制的角色往上飞(不触碰则会 谁能用英语帮我写一段话,简短的昨晚一直睡不着,我也不知道为什么,玩了一会手机,感觉有点累了,我很想睡觉可怎么也睡不着.后来就听音乐,希望音乐能快点让我入睡.放的音乐是never grow old, 1.After that,they eat some other things,( )bana1.After that,they eat some other things,( )bananas,apples and oranges.A.look like.B.are like.C.like D.would like.2.Some( )them have their dinner in the middle of the day.A.of B.on C.in D.for 英语翻译Both designs ensure a linear flow path of the conveyed fluid throughout the hydraulically actuated hose-diaphragm.Apart from the hose-diaphragm the fluid is in contact with the check valves only. 下列关于实验操作步骤的叙述中正确的是A.斐林试剂甲液和乙液可直接用于蛋白质鉴定B.脂肪的鉴定试验中需用显微镜才能看到被染成橘黄色的脂肪滴C.鉴定可溶性还原糖是要加入斐林试剂甲 生物高手们帮帮忙!若该系统中种群c固定的总能量为6.8×1 09kJ,种群d含的能量1.3×108kJ,则种群a至少约含_____________kJ.食物网是这样的,c,d相连,c,e,a依次连接,c,b,a依次连接,请帮忙!本 请问排卵多久后出现黄体?坐等!周六去B超监测卵泡大小,结果说是已有黄体可能,有复合性包块.未见较大卵泡.有少量的积液.医生说已排卵了.很想问大家,排卵多久后可见黄体?有知道的姐妹请 排卵后几天形成黄体 经测定,胰腺细胞中酶原粒(无活性酶)可达到胰腺细胞自身蛋白质总量的40%,由此可以推测细胞内哪种物质的数量比一般细胞多()A mRNA B DNA C基因 D染色体WHY?``````````````` Complete the following passage with singular or plural nouns.Helen loves fruit.She likes all (1)____(kind)of fruit such as (2)____ (apple),(3)____(mango),(4)____(water melon),(5)___ (banana),(6)____strawberry),(7)___(peach).(8)____(grapefruit), Sauce and milk are both u___ nouns when用过去式或进行时,while只用进行时吗?为什么when还有主将从现,什么时候用? while 一定要加 进行时?( )they leave high school and then go to college A after B with C while D during 求细讲 when和while在现在完成进行时中的区别 形容俨然是一对亲兄弟的成语求 急 Hello,Welcome,what can help you我想用中文便捷的方式说出来 刘邦在家里是排行老三吗 刘邦的智商是多少?在帝王里排行怎样? 爱莲说 出淤泥而不染濯清涟而不妖需具备什么条件ji 青海长云暗雪山,孤城遥望玉门关.黄沙百战穿金甲,不破楼兰终不还.诗改文 爱莲说:“出淤泥而不染”与“濯清涟而不妖”两种境界、品格,哪一种更难达到?为什么?怎样才能做到“不染”? 成语中含有“不禁”两字的成语——不禁,怎么填阿 All my things are not gone各位别耍我咯.那个才正确的 a give I to her bag . 连语成句 The dress costs too much.I_____whether to buy it or notAdon't descideBhaven't descideCwon't descideDdidin't descide我打错拉,DESCIDED My teacher is walking ____ _____ _____ around the classroom(我的老师在教室里来回踱步)What do you need to ____ _____ you on vacation?(你去度假需要带什么东西吗)Did you ______ _____ _____ from Hainan?(你从海南带什么东 book her give story yesterday a brother her 连词成句注意变化!) 告诉我你那边大自然发生的事情.