
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 23:41:21
the old over 90_not only by their family but also by the government in many places.为何选BA is looked atBare taken good care ofCare taken good careDis looking after 7.In many places in China,the old over 90__not only by their family but also by the government.A.is taking good care B.are taken good care of C.is taking good care of D.are taken good care In many places in China,the old over 90 ( ) not only by their fanliy but also by the government.A is taking care B are taken good care of C is taking good care of D are taken good care 1.The old over 90 _____not only by their family but also by the government in many places.A.is looked atB.are taken good care ofC.are taken good careD.is looking after2.I see a stranger enter the hall.(改为被动语态)A stranger ______ ______ Not only many foreign county but also China___involved in the financial crisis (金融危机) at presenA.wasB.areC.isD.were是选择A还是C 一道物理分析题,“平衡”和“过程”是矛盾的还是统一的? 考英语四级难吗? 黑夜中的血蔷薇用英文怎么写?是“黑夜中的血蔷薇” 英语四级难考吗怎样才能考过呢? 请问"隐藏内心" and"等待黑夜"英文怎么写啊? 黑夜能告诉你所有事情...用英文怎么说,正确的.RTthe dark night ,can tell you ,all the thing.行么? 黑夜之星英文怎么说 多选题一质量为M的物体静止在有一定倾斜角度的固定斜面上,下列说话正确的是( )A.物体对斜面的压力就是物体的重力B.物体受到重力/弹力/摩擦力作用,且此三力的合力为零C.物体对斜面的 "黑夜给了我一双黑睛,我却用它寻找光明用"英语翻译 四级英语难考吗?最重要就是读多一点英语书,背多一点单词,看多一点语法书,这样有助于你过四级英语的办法之一! why are the old more bothersome when they are getting older and older?why are the old more bothersome when they are getting olderand older?How to treat such persons? 翻译:that these children may find it hard to think for themselves when they are older. Then when the food is r___,they take it to their tables by t___. 1990-2009六级英语真题听力原文求听力原文,不要真题试题,只要听力原文.谢谢,如果是我要的,我会再加分 1.一边长为1DM的正方体,放入水中,上表面距水面10CM(1)上表面受到的压强和压力分别是多少?(2)下表面受到的压强和压力分别是多少?(3)浮力是多少?2.边长是5DM的正方体放在水中,有3DM在 英语翻译 英语翻译:我们趁着黑夜开始向敌人进攻(attack) 蔓延的英语翻译是什么 一道关于波动光学的物理题.不同频率的波在同一介质中传播时具有相同的波速,而同一频率的波在不同介质中传播时其波长不同.这句话对吗?请说明理由. 物理波动光学问题二则18.用波长为600nm单色光垂直照射一狭缝,缝后置一焦距为3m的透镜,在焦平面上成像,测得中央亮纹的宽度为3mm,那么此单缝的宽度为:A.3mm B.2.4mm C.1.2mm D.0.6 初中数学(关于函数的取值范围)等腰三角形ABC的周长为10,底边BC为y,腰AB为x,则y关于x的函数关系式是什么?其中自变量x的取值范围是什么? 物理题-波动光学一束波长为rd的单色光由空气垂直入射到折射率为n的透明薄膜上,透明薄膜放在空气中,要使反射光得到加强,则薄膜的最小厚度为多少? 1.一束波长为入的光线垂直投射到一个双缝上,在屏上形成干涉条纹.若P点为第一级暗纹的位置,那么由两缝到达P点的光程差为:A.2λ B.3λ/2 C.λ D.λ/2 E.λ/42.由相干光源S1和S2发出的波长为λ 19.如图是一个横截面为等腰直角三角形ABC的玻璃棱镜,其材料的折射率为n=1.6,一细束单色光从AC边上靠近A端的某点以平行于AB的方向射向棱镜,该光束射入此棱镜后可能的结果是:( C )A. 已知幂函数y=f(x)的图像经过点(3,根号3),则f(9)=? 已知Y-2与X成正比例,且当X=-2时,已知Y-2与X成正比例,且当X=-2时,Y=3.1.求Y与X的函数关系式 2.若点(m,6)在该函数的图象上,求m的值 英语四级难考过吗?我只是想知道点四级都考啥?