
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 10:57:12
Is it necessary____(learn)a foreign language1.__(see)is___(belive).2.Her son is too young ___(dress)himself.3.You would better___(try)this medicine.4.I relly don not know what ___(do)next. One new ____ to learning a foreign language is to study the language in its enltural context.A approash B solution C manner D road 这里又是一度风景线..... 英语翻译如果我生病了你会关心我么?算了,我就是随便说说的.近些天一直生病,一直头很晕,下午睡醒后突然很想你. 英语翻译是的,团结的力量是无穷的.让我们大家团结在一起,早就奇迹! 帮我看一下这个名字格式对挖JACK GUANGMING ZHANG,JACK是英文名,后面是中文名 为什么有时I don\'t think后面要接that?为什么有时I don't think后面要接that?为什么有时I don't think后面要接that? I think that后面要是跟动词是跟什么形式?I think that implement—— driving restriction is more effective 我认为实施限行是很有用的 As we know ,learning a foreign language needs a lot of p____ To learn a foreign language we have to know the rules of ______. She does some reading in the afternoon(改一般疑问句)___she_____some reading in the afternoon? 英语翻译分析下这个英语句子结构 (不只是翻译是要详细的句子结构分析哦) Barbara's academic major is history,which is second only to political science as the most popular major among liberal arts students. I thank that...和I think...我主要是想问。、I Thank that 为啥不是I Think that呢。我英语比较白痴哦。 Thank you for the nice food.____________ A.Don't say that B.Sorry C.I don't think it's goodD.I'm glad you enjoy it 请哪位高手帮我取个好听的英文名,希望可以包含我的名字,我的名字里面有个“诗惠”.最好表示高贵、美丽、聪明、有气质.不要可爱的. you are so special to welcome to our supermarket!A.I think so B.It's interesting C.That sounds boring D.Thank you 有一首歌歌词里有一句you are special girl to me ,这歌叫什么?歌词是什么?是两个女的唱的,反正找不到!丅靣两嗰都吥媞= 求一首英文歌 ! 第二段开头 when i first met you .for me you are same special .第二段开头 when i first met you .for me you are same special .we are might be it till any 副歌部分有许多so many thing... YOU Are Perfect For Me!You Are Perfect To Me`` 哪个好点呀想表达爱意 、、哪个好点呢、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、 you are special for me for a long time and you are different.i hope i can keep this feeling.如果男人对女人在msn上说这句话,这算是一种表白吗?还是暧昧?还是只是关系特殊的朋友? 用一根216米长的铁丝分成几段做棱长,焊接成一个长方体框架,使长方体的长,宽,高的比为4:3:2,求这个长方体的体积?请例式计算, 翻译:"where you all surprised?和what happened to the tree?和do you still live in that house? you will never believe what happened to a friend of a friend翻译? She often (does some washing)对括号里的部分提问 我的名字叫潘明捷.女生希望取个好听点的英文名跟以下这种差不多的郑丽丽Lily Zheng杨 俊June Yang孔令娜Lena Kong help是可数名词还是不可数?在这里可数吗?(toby needs some .(help)toby needs some help toby doesn't need any help toby needs some helps这三句话那一个是对的? I can do you some help 可以这样用吗?就是说"我能给你一些帮助"今天想说那个意思的时候 嘴里就冒出了这句话.以前没说过,我觉得感觉上也没错. Sally often does some reading in the morning.变否问句怎么变 Sally often does some reading in the morning.(变否定句) He often does some r___. 求好听可爱的女生英文名,我的名字里有馨慧这两个字,希望高手出招,取一个个性点的英文名!麻烦把含义也告诉我,好听必定追加分数! something special gift tonight的意思