I think that后面要是跟动词是跟什么形式?I think that implement—— driving restriction is more effective 我认为实施限行是很有用的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:12:25
I think that后面要是跟动词是跟什么形式?I think that implement—— driving restriction is more effective 我认为实施限行是很有用的
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I think that后面要是跟动词是跟什么形式?I think that implement—— driving restriction is more effective 我认为实施限行是很有用的
I think that后面要是跟动词是跟什么形式?
I think that implement—— driving restriction is more effective 我认为实施限行是很有用的

I think that后面要是跟动词是跟什么形式?I think that implement—— driving restriction is more effective 我认为实施限行是很有用的
I think that引导的是一个宾语从句,后面应该接的是一个完整的句子
你举例的这句话,横线后的driving restriction是implement的宾语,连在一起做宾语从句的主语 .而且由于是作主语,所以要将implement加Ing改为动名词才对.

she think soccer is for boys.
I think that ...动词后面不能加动词原形的。。要么...是系动词后跟实义动词的ing形式或动词不定式(to do) ...先看that 引导...那这句话应该怎么说呢?i think that love is show understanding...


she think soccer is for boys.
I think that ...动词后面不能加动词原形的。。要么...是系动词后跟实义动词的ing形式或动词不定式(to do) ...先看that 引导...


现在整个句子是I think that 后面接的是一个从句
故在此应为:I think that implementing driving restriction is more effective

I think that后面要是跟动词是跟什么形式?I think that implement—— driving restriction is more effective 我认为实施限行是很有用的 Thank后面动词跟什么形式?抱歉抱歉。是Think! I think that Thailand is a good place to 后面是 跟going 还是 go 为什么RT 所有后面可以跟that引导的从句的动词rt不一定是所有的,只要有常用的就行【如:know hope wish think believe】 “I would rather ”后面跟动词原形还是过去式啊?“I would rather that”呢? i she it后面是不是都需要跟动词或者是BE动词 宾语从句的时态I thought that 后面是跟现在式还是过去式?若为过去式,情态动词must,can怎么办? I don't think 后面如果是动词是不是要加ing如题 I think I know 后面跟his 还是 her I think I know 后面为什么跟her I hope you think that song.这里的hope后面本来就省略了个that吧?要是不省略那不成了I hope that you think that song.这样对吗 英语:I think that both Humphries and Tassy and Deleporte were wrongboth 后面不是只能跟两个名字的吗? I think that doing lots of listening ,that 后面为什么用动词的ing形式?为什么用that ,可以去掉吗? 任何一个动词后面加句子中间都是省略that 如:I think that doing homework is good这个句子是不是可以省略 that 是不是 从句 still 后面是跟动词原形吗? 不是及物动词后面要跟宾格吗,think是及物动词.I think they are great.为什么they 不用宾格呢? For me,I think that's eough said.这句话里面said是动词? I think you can get plenty of fruit (that) you need这句话,think是谓语动词,那么get是什么?