
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 23:43:06
寻一种多语翻译器,最少要可以中译英,中译韩,中译日,要能准确翻译短文的 求小学五年级班规不要奖惩制度 小学五年级班规十条(要精益求精) 五年级英语班规(急!)如:you shouldn't be late这一种的,非常急,快点!总共需要5个 小学五年级班规.班训.班级公约 已知:2X+5Y+4Z=15,7X+Y+3Z=14.求X+Y+Z的值. What did she do yesterday?这个句子成立吗 用适当形式填空What ___she ____(do)yesterday?What ___she ____(do)yesterday?—She___(clean)her room and ____(do)her homeworkLast Sunday,we___(go)to the beach and____(play)beach volleyball.We____(have)a good time there.My brother____(stay)at hom what did she piant yesterday怎样回答 ---what did she ____so much money yesterday?---nothing but a fake fur coatA pay for B spend on C sell at D buy for 年货/北京年货/年货采购,年货有哪些?什么是年货?喜气洋洋过新年、热热闹闹团圆饭!及早加入年货采购的行列中. 谁有小学四年级的班级公约或者班规(要作文) What h______to your sister yesterday?She lost her watch. 要20条 要好的 急需小学班规一条 好听的小学班规,要少. 文中表现了居里夫人的哪些精神品质和高尚的道德情操?快 ( ),是个人道德品质的源泉——苏霍姆林斯基只要完整的这句名言,不要资料.分给第一个回答这个问题的人. 翻译:不能想象人的一生总是一帆风顺的,我们能做的就是保最好的希望,做最坏的打算.(smooth) 英语翻译Without choice,there is no competition.Without competition,there is no innovation.And without innovation,you are left with very little. 英语翻译如题:请不要机译.I am not sure if you are the subject of this intrigue or not,but it seems to be there.You will know more once you get to month's end. 如何用左手写字? 对照你心目中的道德典型你感觉到有哪些差距?今后准备如何提高自己的道德素养? 1、加强道德建设的理由是什么?2、道德问题突出的原因是什么?3、如何进行道德建设? 如果你遇到了一位浪费公用电话资源、缺乏道德感的年轻人,你想怎么劝说他?请写出劝说的2个理由 中西方的道德差异在哪里? “它在哪上映?” 用英语怎么说还有______ carefully before you buy a new car.此处用think 还是thinking? 英语翻译1.电工及自动化仪表2.电子测量仪器具3.光学仪器4.温度仪表(温湿计)5.流量仪表6.污染监测仪器7.机械量仪表8.专用仪器仪表9.万用表10.元件参数测量仪器11.示波器12.图示仪13.扫频仪( A computer does only what thinking people have it do. 阅读理解:一、Third World countries often mistakenly decide to permit rapid industrialization.When this industrialization occurs,many new factories open,and workers get jobs.Unfortunately,many of these new jobs are not permanent.The leaders of 写父亲背影的300字作文. 描写人物背影的作文比如在八年级上册《背影》那样,800字作文一定是要写背影的哦