
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 18:07:27
An English teacher is ( ) here A.want B.wanted C.to want D wants 天上的街市 中诗人为什么要进行这样的想象 《天上的街市》这首诗最鲜明的特色是运用了联想与想象,在括号上填写诗人的思路.由街市和明灯联想到―( )―( )―牛郎织女自由幸福生活 美式发音问题美式发音是否有把清辅音发成浊辅音的习惯,为什么听起来像浊辅音,是我听错了吗?能说明下吗?happy中的p在美语中是读成b吗?在朗文中英式听起来是p而美式是b,lucky也是k在英式 Can you think of w_____ to describe its appearance. Can you describe one of your classmates appearance to me?改错...我不是很确定. can you describe the robber's ____(大概的)appearance? can you describe your bedroom to me的同义句can you describe your bedroom to meA few minutes later,the fire alarm made a sudden soundOur radio was dead Describe a person to us(his or her personality and appearance)一篇文章,但也不要过于简单,演讲时间在30~60秒左右。personality的范围是在:witty stingy energetic frank generous optimistic versatile中。这个人要是12岁 Tell your partner not to make any noise in class.里面的not to为什么不能用don't/doesn't 将nmol木炭粉和1mol氧化亚铁在反应器中混合,隔绝空气加强热.(1)可能发生的化学反应有:1.FeO+C=Fe将nmol木炭粉和1mol氧化亚铁在反应器中混合,隔绝空气加强热.(1)可能发生的化学反应有 我宁愿看足球赛而不去购物.I _____ ____ _____ a football match____ ____ ____shopping. It looks nice 中的look什么词性 it ( )nice .A,look B,look C,looking 7.我哥哥和我正在看电视上播放的足球比赛 My older brother and I__ __a football match on TV8.安正在和她的妈妈通电话Ann__ __ __ __ __ __her mother 9.老师正在给小朋友们读故事The teacher__ __ __ __ __the children10. 甲乙两人50米赛跑,甲到终点时,乙距终点有2米,如果甲继续原速向前跑,当乙到达终点时,甲超终点多少米? 你好希腊文怎么写 中国哲学对中国艺术有什么影响? 如何看待中国哲学与中国文化的关系 中国哲学方法怎么样 It's very nice to look at _____ baby.A.an asleep B a sleeping C.a sleep 为什么选B?这句话的意思? 中国哲学的精神是什么? It's very nice to look at _____ baby.A.an asleep B a sleeping这两个为什么选B?是不是动名词做表语?然后抽象或者经常的动作用动名词做表语,具体某次动作用不定式做表语?是不是因为这个?但是asleep也是adj No all students like playing football.是部分否定还是完全否定? Choose the proper sentences to fill the blanks.A. Well, I don't think so .B. Yeah, it is really.C. All right, thenD. You are right there, but...E. Come on W: it's so cold today . M: ______1________W:Shall we still go skating.M: ____2_____. We need th all the ___ students in my class like football very much (boy) 怎么变形 两人进行50米赛跑,甲乙速度比是3:4,甲比乙时间多花( )% ()the students like playing football A. Tow thousand of B. Thousands ofC . tow thousand D . B and c 文明的进步对哲学发展有哪些影响? 在直角三角形如何截出面积最大的矩形要求矩形的一条边在直角三角形的斜边上 怎么在边长为3,4,5的直角三角形内截取面积最大的矩形 遇到踩踏事件我们该怎么办?