
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 09:07:18
薛金星和王后雄哪个好 G读“zhai”还是“ji”我听很多人都把G读ji,到底是zhai还是ji? 写给同学最感动的话 写给同学的话初三毕业了,有三个同学要我写赠言给她们.一、我们班长,为人正直(女)有的暴躁,学习好,爱搞怪,欺负我!二、被我们班评为“从古代穿越回来的女子”,学习好.三、普通同学,学 SQL命令创建名为“91年以后男生”的查询,查询出生日期在1991年1月1日之后的男生的学号、姓名、性别、出生 高中地理题求解析如图 17题 答案中说由A点为6时可判定为北半球夏季,这里开始不明白,q求17题思路 I live __the fourth floor __ a big building __Tianjin 作业没写完,又不想写怎么办. T-SQL​查询成绩表的平均分,如果平均分低于60分,为每一位同学加1分,重复该操作,直到平均分为60利用循环的 lay all your love on me, 英语翻译把你的顽固派对我 是什麽意思 LED吸顶灯2x(8+3)w这是多少瓦的灯泡呀? 他个子高、留着短发并乐于助人 用英语怎么说? 一般吸顶灯都用多少瓦的灯泡呢? (在小学受到同学的关爱,一开始不理解,不经意间,我们明白了许多) 作文急 1.---Where do you want to ___?---On the ground floor.A.live in B.live on C.live D.live with2.---Could you give me a hand ,please?---Sure.What would you like me ___?A.do B.to do C.doing D.does3.那两家工厂紧挨着.The two factories are ___ ___ __ I live on the ( ) floor. A. ninth B forth C.eleven D.fifth为什么选D?A. ninth 不对么? 同类词 1.I live on the second floor with my parents.Spring is the ________ season of a year.Tuesday is the _________ day of a week.September is the ________ month of a year.Jim’s birthday is on Christmas Day.It’s on December the _________.4.I 以下两个英语句子哪个是正确的还是两个都正确it is us human beings who bring forth this disaster.it is we human beings that bring forth the disaster.第一个句子应该是正确的.第二个句子我想用强调句. 给我你所有的爱(Lay All Your Love On Me)空间歌曲链接给我你所有的爱(Lay All Your Love On Me)空间歌曲链接和稳稳的幸福空间歌曲链接 下面两个英语句子哪个是正确的①Please spend as much time as you can to read English.②Please spend as much time as you can reading English.哪个正确,说出原因(精炼点) 下面两个英语句子哪个正确?① Which is the most expensive camera of all ② Which is the most expensive of all camera 第②个改成 all of the camera 请问下面两个英语句子哪个正确It's lucky for you to live in a city like that.It's lucky of you to live in a city like that. 以下两个英语句子,哪个是对的?1.Many people have received training and decided to launch their own enterprise.2.Many people have reveived training and have decided to launch their own enterprise.这是个并列句.就是在and后边,哪种 如何气沉丹田 经常气沉丹田好吗 用SQL查询学生表年龄在20-23岁之间的学生姓名、系名、年龄 粤语的点解是什么意思? “点解有D人,甘烦革?边个可以话我知啊?”这句话是广东话 “你是在说我吗?”用广东话怎么讲? 粤语“同埋”和“点解”是什么意思? 、如图,直线 是经过点(1,0)且与y轴平行的直线,Rt△ABC中 直角边AC=4,BC=3,将BC边在直线 上滑动,使A 如图,Rt△ABC的三个顶点都在给定的抛物线y^2=2px(p>0)上,斜边AB平行于y轴,则斜边上R的高CD等于? 做乜五话我知,点解阿,