
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/10 22:08:57
儿童自我保护的真实事例,要短短短短短的! 有关于自我保护的真实事例300字左右 翻译in the past people don't need amailbox to send a message 自我保护的事例 自我保护真实事例,11点前先+5分.要真实的``发生过的.最好是遇到坏人或抢劫内种,我要小孩子遇到危险的事例`小学到初中生.当然有人家的解决办法,事例中的`结尾还有告诉的道理``(这个自己 求自我保护事例如题.别给那些老掉牙的来.我说了别给那些老掉牙的来!☠☠☠☠☠~4点前还没有满意答案就关了! 三峡导游词 急求一篇英语2人情景对话两个设计师讨论一个LOGO的设计.. people often end up buying things that they don't really need 祖国是什么举例 We need two teaspoons of milk to make a banana milk shake.(对划线部分提问)____ ____ _____of milk____ you___to make a banana milk shake. do you still remember the chicken farm__we visited three months ago?a.whereb.whenc.thatd.what选c对吗?为什么? 土地的誓言 作者运用了哪些手法把自己对故乡的这种情感表达出来?试举例谈谈 Do you still remember the chicken farm ( )we viseted three months ago?A.whe选项 A .that i visited B.which i visited c.where i visitedD.in which i visited Do you still remember the chicken farm ____ we visited three months ago?A where BwhatCwhichDthat It can be just as interesting.That's w() people in Lofton love their village. do you still remember the farm ( )we visited three monthes agoa what b to which cwhere d which 我觉得应该从 to which 和 which 中间选可是不知道选哪个现在突然觉得where也对了 The reason that people go there is just to be seen.翻译下,准确点, Do you still remember that farm( ) we visited three months ago. 歌词I just give a damn at what people say I like go my own way that's ok大概有这么几句 求歌名 掌握have to (不得不)和do not need to(不必要)的用法, 英语翻译I still remember father spent plenty of time teaching me how to pronounce a word,how to understand something that I saw for the first time and how to be polite to others.And I will never forget one sentence my father used to say to me,“ 用 have to ,do not need to ,did not need to1,I______buy both books so I bought only one 2,We_____hurry .We are very late 3,We _____hurry.There is plenty of time4,He _____do any homework last night because he had finished it at school5,You_____take a You should always keep this in mind 改为祈使句 请翻译:We should keep in mind how a guest should behave. He like dogs.I like dogs,too.合并同义句_____ he _____I like dogs. I like the parkour(我喜欢跑酷)这句话需要第三个单词the吗? 伊索寓言什么故事披露当政权杖握在贪婪的统治者手中贫苦得人是不可能平安的 用简洁的语句概括文章内容?比云更高的,还有山古保祥2000年12月的一天,日本东京国立中学的一间教室内,正在进行年度的作文测试,一个矮瘦的男生此时正紧张地在抽屉里搜索着一本作文书.他 英语翻译而贼以死捍,蒙古军诓怯,即驰回,普止之不可,遂为贼所蹂践,率坠水中.求翻译,解释(比如其中的意动用法,通假字,名作状类型… 帮忙翻译一篇文言文,每句的详细解释都要圣者彝训曰经,述经叙理曰论.论者,伦也,伦理无爽,则圣意不坠.说者,悦也;兑为口舌,故言咨怿;过悦必伪,故舜惊谗说.原夫论之为体,所以辨正然否,穷于 我的朋友生孩子了,祝福语怎么写?男孩