
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 22:46:57
英语翻译一.改错1.My grandfather was used to smoke a lot.But he has given it up.2.The twin sisters have learnd a lot after they came to China.二.翻译1.大屿山是香港的一个地方,过去常常是许多野生动物的家园.2.由于这 ①28克铁在氧气中燃烧生成Fe3O4固体,放出187kJ热量②燃烧3.8g液态CS2,生成CO2和SO2气体时,放出51.78kJ热量 请说明理由 为什么选c I've sold a ticket to ( ) person in the room.every/all/any 英语翻译今天我当家今天我很早就起床了,因为该我当一次家,体会一下做家长的辛苦!首先是打扫房间,我只打扫了自己的房间就已经累得不行,因为我的房间实在是太脏太乱了!我花了足足2个小 英语语法题,求答案和分析啊.1,In the early eighteenth century,Ohio grew from a virtual wilderness to become____of the early states had been in 1776.A,most than more populousB,more populous than mostC,more than most populousD,populous most t 英语高手速度进来!我心情好象不好我觉得我好像很想你的样子.把这个翻译成英文! 拜托啊!错了错了```是 我觉得我好像有点想你的样子。 应该是这个```!!!翻译这个!!谢谢啊 1,I can makea cake,(变一般疑问句)2,He speaks so fast(改为一般问句)3,He lies in china(就划线部分题问 划线部分是in china)4,I can shell English words(和三题一样 划线部分是English words) 英语,急,a _ _ _e l _ _ _h y _ _ _ _w e_ _ _lw___l不是很难的,第一个回答正确的评最佳! 8下英语 改错括号的顺序依次为ABCD1.I (am sure) you'll (win) them (in the) (match).2.(It's) (a long time) (since) I (have met) him.3.(Don't be) afraid (to) the snakes.(They) are (in the cage). 翻译:TOMY QC 在上个星期五hold 住了我们的产品,原因是等待ATM测试的结果,但是现在测试结果已经通过了,请帮忙修改报告,好让我们走货.我是这样翻译的:TOMY QC held our goods on last friday for waiting 一道八年级英语选择 请说明理由How much did you___the shoes?A,cost for B,pay for C,spend on D,cost on 初三数学,第三小题.过程. 英语语法练习及答案 (4)小题 高一必修一英语简单单句改错 错句如下1.I stayed in Beijing for one and a half year.2.The manager asked his men not waste any more time.3.Geography plays a part of making dialects.4.Mom suggested me to go to the USA for further study. 高一必修一英语 单句改错(4个)This is the last time that I had this kind of foodHe asked us that the man had diedHe was suffered from a bad headache for longTom Hanks told his teacher that he had been b 英雄联盟中的无极剑圣的英文名称是什么? 英语好的进来.马上要.用英语解释:北京为什么是中国的首都、伦敦为什么是英国的首都.多点.每篇大概100词左右. 1、achievement什么意思?2、用所给单词的适当形式填空:One is never too old ——(learn) 昕薇的平面模特大赛里,早晚会有我的名字!这句话用英语怎么说呢.求正确的 能帮我看看这句话语法对不对?谢谢!如何改正It may be the case that there are three primary issues that have negatively impact on our group dynamics. 负8000000000的科学记数法怎么写 科幻画的题目有什么? 麻烦介绍一下一些关于初中初中物理奥赛的书 谢谢 我要画科幻画,应该以什么为主题呢 已知不等式x^2-2ax+2>=a.对x>=-1恒成立,求a的取值范围 同学们折纸鹤150只,其中大小,纸鹤的比是2:3同学们共折了大纸鹤多少只,小纸鹤多少只? 同学们折纸鹤150只,其中大、小的比是2:3.同学们共折了大纸鹤( )只,小纸鹤(同学们折纸鹤150只,其中大、小的比是2:3.同学们共折了大纸鹤( )只,小纸鹤( )只 威尼斯小艇第 5、6节 向我们介绍威尼斯小艇的什么? Live For To Day Tomorrow Never Comes是什么意思 求英语六级历年的作文范文