
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 00:15:51
毛泽东思想邓小平理论江泽民的三个代表胡锦涛科学发展观习近平的什么? 过点(a,b,c)且过x轴的平面方程为? 通过x轴的平面方程 空间中 平行于x轴的平面方程要满足什么条件 I was ill,so i had to stay at home改为现在分词作原因状语 I prefer working to _____(stay)at home every day.要理由 look into look for look up的区别 loook into和look for和look up和look on的区别 过点(1,2,-3)且过x轴的平面方程是什么? 求通过x轴和点(4,-2,-1)的平面方程 A < > assistant works in a shop在括号里填入适当词 英语翻译还有,求讲解 having arrived 翻译:I didn't want to spend another miserable second with the loser.second:应该在句子里是替补,支援之类的意思 翻译:“i've agreed to help with arrangements for the party .” 7字连通不规则数独:将1—7填入,并使每行、每列及每个粗线划分的七格宫内都有1—7.在边上的七格宫可以左右连通或者上下连通. 9字连通不规则数独:将1—9填入,并使每行、每列及每个粗线划分的不规则九宫内都有1—9. 一道数学题(关于数独)我要制作一个数独.要求:要带有7个“314”(必须是连着的)剩下的数随便填 一道类似数独的数学题.把 这几个数字填入九宫格内使每行加起来都是390..竖着和横着都是390. 区别look through .look for .look around .look after. look for in和look for的区别 “三伏不热, 如果圆环的外圆周长为30厘米,内圆周长为20厘米.求圆环的宽度过程,要过程! The party began ____a piece of music and ____a pop song.A.with;ended upB.for;ended up withC.for;ended withD.with;ended up with不是有end up这个短语吗?为什么要加个with啊? The birthday party of last week ______(以.开始)an English song短语 mr.smith shook ------his friend before he left the party.A hand of B hand of C hands with D hand with 这题选什么啊 为什么 Mr Smith is an old friend of _________.A.Bob's mother B.Bob's mother's C.mother of Bob D.Bob mother's答案选“A” 火烧云的形状变幻无穷改为带感叹号的句子 火烧云接着会变成什么样子? 火烧云有哪些形状 毛泽东思想,邓小平理论,三个代表重要思想,科学发展观的精髓是什么 what is Zhang shan' s first name 和 What is Alice Brown' s first name?我要绝对准确的答案,不要想当然的答案. My name is Jim Alan Clinton.What;s my first name?