
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 20:38:10
乡村孩子的生活是怎样的?你想对他们说什么? 物理题-------对答案(答案一定要可靠)10.一根质量为m、长为L的均匀长方体木料放在水平桌布,木料与桌面间的动摩擦因数为u,现用水平力F推木料,当木料有1/3伸出桌面时,桌面对它的摩擦力 英法德喜欢哪个 梦游属于精神分裂吗 我最喜欢的电视剧 作文以"我最喜欢的电视剧"为题,写一篇不少于500字的作文要快很急! 我们只有雷霆,_____,____,我们没有拖泥带水的雨!————,宇宙的意志 乘船本所以疑,正为此耳意思 男人为什么问女人爱他什么 高一政治没听过课的话要怎么复习?如题 mother never gave him any chocolates,because she---they were bad for his teeth.选项A.thought B.considered C.suggested为什么不选B? 解方程:(x+2)²=(2x-1)² 分解因式:(m²-2m)²+2m(m-2)+1 xiexie (m+n)^3-(m-n)^2(n+m) guo cheng,xiexie qing fanyi cheng yingwen!hen ji!xiexie dajia!to tenants of common use areasowners of restaurants and bars,who are sharing common use areas of business building,we are warning them,that they shouldnt stand (or position) their tables under arcades.Owne I am Lucy同义句转换 本所以疑,正为此耳的解释 you have to a banana before you can eat ityou have to a banana before you can eat it 这俩字怎莫念 这里两字拼音怎莫念 言而有信,一落千金的故事 勖这个字肿莫念? We think the punishment is (u ) Punishment is never the answer.Why?Punishment is a lazy way for parents to tezch their kids.In fact,it's not teaching at all.Teaching means talkingand discussing.Punishment tells a person that he/she did something wrong -but it doesn't teach how to d 有人了解或使用过305/1500DOB道布森12反射式天文望远镜吗?那么大口径.才7千元挺便宜的.请懂行情的人指 道布森式天文望远镜咋保养 后之人将历指其名而议之曰:“某也忠,某也诈,其也直,某也曲.”(怎么翻译?) 莫念是指什么意思? 悲乎莫念愁什么意思 We are learningalong the way.何意 请问:drothers是什么意思,怎莫念 闲谈莫念他人坏 什么意思? the way we are remady 1883年,康托构造的这个分形,称做康托尔集,从数轴上单位长度线段开始,怎样做?