
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/29 01:54:31
有一个四字词语想不起来了,类似于灵光一现有个四字词语忽然间想不起来了,类似于灵光一现,形容于忽然又想做某些事情的冲动,但是只限于那一会,之后这个兴趣就没有了 一个季节一个四字词语 有一个句子我想不起来了 很简单的就是想不起来了就是表达你只要努力就一定能成功的句子,我们平时经常说,怎么说来,快,不是“只要工夫深,铁杵磨成针" 不是”功夫不负有心人“ 再想想 谁能告诉我表示人物特点的四字词语(三个) 根据天干地支纪年法,1995年为什么年? 英语短文缺词填空Phones help people get in touch with each other.Phones help people get in touch with each other.People can t____ to a person far away on the phone.It's almost as nice as visting the person.But it is not really the same thing.W Phones help people get in touch(缺词填空)Phones help people get in touch with each other.People can t____ to a person far away on the phone.It's almost as nice as visting the person.But it is not really the same thing.When v____ a person,you see 用find sb do sth造句 Good manners usually help people to ( )each other A get on well with B.get toghter选出来再翻译一下句子 Mike is a____ from school today because his mother is ill. 1:people in the future will do many of thethings we do today,but they may do them(difference/dif...1:people in the future will do many of thethings we do today,but they may do them(difference/differently/different).2:it's high time for man to put (a/ 已知集合A={x|x2-7x+10≤0},B={x|x2+ax+b A={x/2x2+7x-15 已知集合A={x|x2-ax+a2-19=0},集合B={x|x2-5x+6=0},集合C={x|x2+2x-8}=0若满足A∩B真包含Φ与A∩C=Φ同时成立,求实数a的值. 它说了A∩C=Φ,那就是说-4和2不属于C了,但又说A∩B真包含Φ,那就 抗美援朝的时候为什么以美国为首的16个国家组成的联合国军打不过中国和朝鲜两个国家? 求七下,七下日记要U9以上 八上日记要U5以下 字数40词以上,时态、语法运用正确 (八上的日记最好是多一些,标清序号哈) however,doctors now say that people should laugh and smile more often.翻译 The doctors operated quickly so that they could save more people's lives.(改为同义句)The doctors operated____ ______ _____they _____ ______more people's lives. 根据以下中文信息写一封英文祝贺卡收信人:袁帜写信人:林帆内容:袁帜刚获得工程硕士的学位.林帆从她的朋友那里得知该消息后向他表示祝贺.这些年里,林帆看到他一直努力学习,非常钦 不会拼音怎么办,如何学拼音 不会拼音怎样学才比较快? 拼音我读也不会读,应该怎么学? 毛泽东赴重庆谈判的目的是什么 they can't go to work today because they are ill对because they are ill划线提问 Because of his _ (ill) he is often late for school.(词形变换) 毛泽东等人为什么要冒着风险去重庆谈判 说真的,我没看过这部电影.翻译成英文 毛泽东赴会(重庆谈判)的原因 He was late for school because of his_______(ill) 你看过这部电影吗?翻译成英文 毛泽东重庆谈判所穿的衣服是什么样子的 你居然没有看过这部电影.翻译成英文