
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 05:09:47
我喜欢的一个地方 英语作文 (初中水平) 速求“城区和郊区的生活比较 ” 英语作文一篇150单词左右 请帮我写一篇关于介绍世博会法国馆200字左右的英语作文(初中水平)作文写的单词简单一点,语法正确,语句通顺, 友谊要用忠诚去播种,要用热情去浇灌,要用理解去护理,要用原则去探索依照例句,用“成功”为开头写2个句子 求一篇四十字介绍自己的英语作文快啊 使用简短的话概括丑小鸭这一形象的现实意义 the school where he or she studied atwhat he or she enjoyedhis or her work 帮我看看这句英语什么意思?今天在facebook上看到这句话,不知啥意思, 初二上数学有关一次函数的讲解 初二下册数学如何求一次函数的解析式已知反比例函数y=k/x的图像与一次函数y=3x+m的图像相交于点(1,5) 1.求着两个函数解析式;2.求这两个函数图象的另一个交点的坐标? 初二上册三角形的类型题,求数学学霸解答谢谢 一次函数.填空题 Darling.you are under the weather yestoday.I don't know what's come over you and what's on your mind.You looks blue.Follow my nose,there is a time to speak and a time to be silent.But i'm behind you.Darling.you are under the weather yestoday.I don't 谁能告诉我冰心的关于儿童的名言比如爱玩的男孩……爱玩的女孩…… 借物抒情的200字文章不要妄想把别人的转过来! 求一些英文诗或英文抒情文章[200词左右]用于演讲比赛 哲理小文也可 不要太长 150/3等于几? 150×n等于几? 已知{an}是等比数列,a2=2,a5=1/4,则a1a2+a2a3+...+anan+1=?请求高手详解,谢高! 已知{an}是等比数列,a2=2,a5=1/4,则a1a2+a2a3+……+an a(n+1)= 英语翻译列奥纳多·达·芬奇是意大利文艺复兴的一位巨人,是人类历史上著名的绘画大师也是雕塑家和建筑家,具有杰出艺术家和杰出自然科学家双重秉赋的人格.他在各学科中都留下了自己的 英语翻译I finally found what made me slow through continuous practice and then improve little by little 英语翻译1.If the earth’s temperature rises,it will be a disaster for all mankind.2.After the accident,Bill learned to walk again through hard work and determination.3.I have bought myself insurance for I don’t want to be a(n) burden to my chi 已知数列{an}为等比数列,Sn是它的前n项和,若a2a3=2a1,且a4与2a7的等差中项为4/5,则S5=? 已知数列an为等比数列,Sn是它的前n项和,若a2a3=2a1,且a4与2a7的等差中项为5/4,则S5 一项工作 单独做甲需要6天,乙单独需要8天,甲乙工作效率比?乙的工作效率比甲的工作效率少多少? 一项工程甲单独做八天乙单独做六天甲乙工作效率比()工作时间比() 英语翻译God’s gift 分类:新型语录 Many years ago,God put animals on Earth to bring together the meeting.Near the end of the meeting,God pointing at the ground beneath their feet seems a bit heavy things :"I would like to bestow gifts,like 英语翻译\x0cwhen i think of our love it reminds me of all the things you are to me.You and only you have given me so mach hope and have made me realize how mach i want you.You show the true meaning of how a man should treat a woman 英语翻译That Sapir was rarely cited in these discussions can only be understood as a serious case of collective memory loss 初一英语作文,3b部分 一项工程,甲乙合作8天完成甲乙工作效率比是3:2如果工程由乙独自完成需要几天?