
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 15:45:39
在下面句子中的横线上填上合适的诗句、名人名言、格言警句、俗语等.要写好作文,不光要多看书,还要多参加实践活动,正如古人所说的那样:“———————————————————— 在下面句子中横线上填上合适的诗句,名人名言,格言警句,俗语等.常言道“ ”,只要我们齐心?A 现在进行时的特殊用法? 现在进行时的第二种用法 在横线上依次填上适当的成语、歇后语、谚语.(1)“ ”一个人不经过长期的教育和培养,是不会具有成就大事的才能的.(2)小小的生日贺卡,传递着远方朋友亲切的问候,真所谓“ ”.(3)“ 在横线上填上合适的成语.春风轻轻一吹( ),( ). 在下列句中的横线上填上恰当的成语.(1)在足球赛中,传球技术再高,控制能力再高,若缺乏临门一脚的射门技术,也会( ) (2)联合国安理会有明确的职权范围,不应( )介入其他机构处理 在横线上填成语.这个案件错综复杂,侦探们——,真相终于——.2.在教学楼快要倒塌——的时刻,谭千秋老师迅速把几个孩子搂在怀里,几个孩子——,而谭老师却永远地走了.今天就要啊! 德语 es geht 英语翻译 2011年重庆中考英语完形的翻译 It is very important to stay healthy. 开头内个 .. 英语翻译我们都是报实价.从来不会在价格和质量的问题上弄虚作假,不会为了让你砍价故意报虚假给你,那样就没意思了. 初中英语中哪些动词后跟动词不定式又可跟动词ing形式请帮忙 用动词ing形式改写下列句子1.After the students had cleaned the classroom,the students went to the playground to watch the football match.2.Our town has dozens of factories ,which includes several saw mills.3.She is writing a letter to a fri 用动词的-Ing形式改写下列句子I fell ill ,which worried my parents . 动词-ing 改写下列句子1.The teather is taking a walk on the playground .he is our teacher of English2.The birds filled the air with music .They were singing in the trees 3.Do you konw the number of students They are coming to the English eveni 用动词ing改写下列句子I have got homework to finishCarl bought a new cell phone,but then he receive a lot of uesless short message. 以下句子中动词-ing形式是什么用?1\There are many different shaps of Chinese knots,the most common being butterfies,flowers,birds,ect.2\So the Chinese knots are both practical and orbamental,fully reflecting the grace and essence of Chines 动词ing作表语 、定语、状语如何判断? 动词ing形式与动词的-ed形式在作主语宾语定语补语表语状语有什么区别 为什么做表语,宾语,状语要用动词ing形式呢 英语翻译1.有文采的2.优雅的3.给人身临其境的感觉4.具有哲理的5.巧妙的 求一些初中英语对话要一篇能三个人一起背的(旁白+2个角色),和一篇两个人一起背的(2个角色).起码要有6个回合的对话. 初中英语搞笑小品对话 少一点 英语翻译小红帽那种也是可以的 在横线上填上适当的句子,使对话完整①Excuse me._______________?I'm from London.②Excuse me.________________?Yes.The bank is next to the city libray on Fifth Avenue.③___________________________?Because they are cute.④______________ 根据情景在横线上填写适当的语句春天的大地到处生机勃勃.花园里开满了鲜花,红的、黄的、白的、紫的.五彩缤纷,争奇斗艳,真是:_,_.” 情景交际专练、 根据上下问在横线上填写适当的短语或句子,将对话补充完整A:where(1)_______last Saturday?B:i went to visit my friend liu hui last Saturday.A:(2)_________B:yes.we had fun playing together.we played ping-p 根据下面的对话情景.在每个横线处填上一个适当的句子.使对话的意义连贯,完整.A:Excume.1.__________________B;Yes,there is.A:2.____________________B;It is on long street.A:is it far fyom here?B:3.__________________It on 现在分词作定语和动词不定式作定语的区别? 根据对话内容,在横线上填上适当的句子完成对话.M:M:hi,linda .i'm having a party this saturday .i've just moves intoa new flat.___________?W:I'd love to .Thank you very much ._______________?M:We're starting at about five thirty there be句型中动词都用ing形式吗