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2道英语单项选择,20悬赏``可能再追加``1.He wanted to play baskteball,but his mother told him( )a.to play b.not to play c.not to d.don't2.He asked us( ).A.why not see the film B.why we did't see the film c.why didn't we see the film d.why 初三英语2道单项选择Shall we go to the science Museum tomorrow morning?________C.Sound good D.Have fun为什么选C不选DMary,here's a dictionary.I hope it will help youA.just B.nearly C.even D.almost选那一个为什么?对不起……第2 初二2道英语单项选择,求答案及讲解This boat is ___as that one.A.as sameB.the sameC.not differentD.as the sameShe looks just ___before.A.same likeB.as same asC.the same asD.the same 若3x-2y-z=0,x+4y-3z=0,求3x²+y²/4x²-y²+z²的值 英语的一道单项选择We knew that he had failed the exam from his( )look.A.disappointing B.disappoints C.disappointed D.disappoint我们老师说选A,刚好之前我有做过这道题,可里面的答案是选C,我就有点犯晕,还有为 两道英语单项选择求权威.解析.1.This is Mr.Black.my English professor,______I think has something important to tell you.A.whom B.who C.which D.whose2.After four years' work in China,John had a _____unders 八年级下英语书82页1a的答案 两道英语单项选择,1\-Jim,your toys should be in right order.-OK.I will( )them( )right nowA put,down B put,away C put,up D put,on2\-I do not know if he( )to Kate's birthday party.-He's sure to go if he( ).A goes,knows B will go,knows C goes,w 人民教育出版社英语新目标八年级下册82页1A怎么写 两道单项选择.英语1.I remember_____at work,but I can't remember how much they paid me.A.being paid B.paying C.to pay D.to be paid2.The teacher let the student go back home as his experiment_________.A.have finished B.was finished C.finished D. 两道英语题 单项选择____ the watch and see if you can find out what's wrong with it.A. Pack up B. Break down C. Dig out D. Take apartThough he is a murderer, he should receive a fair ____ . How can you put him in prison in a rush?A. experi 两道简单的英语单项选择two years _time a.is such a long b.are so long a c.is such long ahe _school_two hours a.arrived at;inb.reached ;afterc.ranned;after能告诉我原因更好了 谢谢 九年级英语课本答案124页,1A答案是什么? 物理题求解答! 英语翻译划线部分提问:The woman on Jim's right is my aunt.(划线部分为on Jim's right)_____ _____ is your aunt? 英语翻译Three people were walking along a street,first was a big man,then a pretty woman,and then an old man.The first two went round a corner.Suddenly the old man saw piece of paper on the ground.He picked up the paper.lt was a five-pound note.A 七年级下册英汉互译you(物主代词)aren‘t(同音词)right(反义词)watch(第三人称单数形式)flies(原形)boy(对应词)don't(完全式)run(现在分词)office(职业名词)job(同义词)liu yuan 小丽把500元存进银行,定期两年,期满后,不扣除利息税可得527.9,这种定期存款的年利率是多少? 英语翻译1.他通常每天用半个小时做作业.It usually _____ _____ half an hour ____ ____ his homework every day.2.他每天早晨6点起床,淋浴而且很快吃完早餐. 汽车在平直的公路上以20M/s的速度匀速行驶,开始刹车后以5M/S的加速度做匀减速直线运动,求 1 刹车过程中汽车行驶了多少米?2 第5秒末的即时速度是多大 小丽把500元零花钱存到银行,定期3年,到期后,不扣利息税,小丽可得567.5元,你知道这种定期存款的年利率是多少吗? 英语翻译自言自语听起来像个鬼任何不寻常的东西在灌木丛中现在我不再害怕动物了.我想更多的了解它们.他像往常一样上学迟到了.我听到有人在隔壁房间唱歌. 小丽把500元零花钱存到银行,定期两年,期满后,不扣除利息税可得527.9元.求年利 英语翻译 小丽把500元存入银行,两年后,不扣利息税可得527.9元.问这种定期存款的年利率是多少? 英语单项选择题2一、单选题 1、You can see ________ on the table. A.a packet of prawn B.two packets of prawn C.a packet of prawns 2、The coat is ________ too larger for me. A.very B.quite C.much 3、A: I 英语翻译On my way home from the country last Saturday,my car was out of gasoline(汽油)on a road far away a town.I decided to walk along the road (1) u_________ I found someone to get some gasoline.I had walked almost a mile before I finally 2个英语单项选择题1.----When will the english party begin?----At six o'clock.________,please.A.Make sure to come B.Be sure to come C.Make sure of coming D.be sure coming2.----Peter found some old men_____Beijing Opera in the park when he walke 英语翻译Some children are flying kites near the river.They are very high and Peter can see them in the classroom.After lunch his aunt comes to see his mother and brings a kite to him.It looks like a bird.He wants to fly it but his mother doesn't 复合函数的增减性怎么判断?f(u)增那F[f(u)]呢?还需要什么条件吗?我加一道例外的题.例如:u=以1/2为低的x的对数.是由u来判断x取值,然后再由x取值的不同范围定f(u)的增减性,再来看y的增减性吗?看 英语单项选择题题This book_____on the subject.A.the much bestB.very much best C.much the best D.very the best请写清楚原因, 高中数学导数求函数增减性(文科)如果f"(x)>0,就是增函数,