
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 04:16:50
若f(x)=asin(x+π/4)+3sin(x-π/4)是偶函数,则实数a= f(x)=asin(x+π/4)+3sin(x-π/4)是偶函数,求a. 若f(x)=asin(x+π/4)+3sin(x-π/4)是偶函数,求a 1.Students need to learn how to _____their work.(organization)2.Little Tom went out in a hurry after supper.He wanted to play video games.(合并成一句)Little Tom went out in a hurry______ ______ video games after supper.3.The old men always preve 英语翻译在线商品房交易市场构建模式分析 A TV is not so as useful as a computer.(改为同意句.运用比较级) 下列各数是否有意义?为什么?(1)-3√3; (2)3√-3(3)3√(-3)³ (4)3√1/10³ 下列各数的意思11211011411712012112216812315 x为何数时,下列各式有意义1、根号下-x2、根号下x+1/x-13、根号下2x/2- x的绝对值 two pipes running simultaneously can fill a tank in 2 hours and 40minutes.after the lager pipe had run for 3hours the smaller pipe was also turned on the tank was full 40minutes later how long would it take each pipe a;one to fill the tank 下列数字的含义是什么?这是我朋友给我的留言:714539 258 314697 314697 258 17539 3146397 153580 3179 1793 要用方程1 there is a double-digit number.The figure on its single is 1 larger than that on its tenth-digit ,and the double digit numbei is 5 times as large as the sum of figures on its tenth-digit and on its single-digit.Question:what is the doub 以“智慧的力量”为题,写一写运用自己的智慧解决生活小难题的经历.(一小段话) 生活经验问题人体缺乏( )物质的时候会使牙龈浮肿,易出血,多吃( )等食物可弥补不足.为防止甲状腺肿,市场上销售的食盐加入了( )物质. 观察生活中的一件事(或一个现象),然后想办法解决.把上面的过程写下来要写自己的事哦200字就够要有几个过程:善于发问 探索研究 发现真理 切记:自己亲身经历的事 五分之一X-四分之一=二分之九 解方程.(1-1/4)x÷1/5=5/8 请问如何解? 当x为何值时,下列各式有意义1、根号5-x2、根号-x3、根号x的平方+1 当x为何值时下列各式有意义(1 )√x^2(2)√x-2(3)³√-x-4(4)√-1/x( 5)√x^2+1 X为何值时,下列各式有意义?(1)根号-x; (2)根号1-x+根号x; (3)根号x+1分之4 *我的手机打不出根号,*第三题意思是根号x+1上面有一根分数线,分数线上面是4. 求使下列各式有意义的x的值x-2分之根号3x+2 根号1-7x分之根号4x+3 x为何值时,下列个各式有意义根号x²+3. 求过程 急算的就是 根号x²+3 解关于x两题五年级的解方程(4+x)X3=276.3X2+0.7x=16.24小写x是未知数 大写的是乘号方程啊比喻:A=C%B 解方程 (X-6)/0.5=3 怎么写 求描写乡村生活场景的语句 要短 越快越好要很多句 英文数学题,用方程式,在线等!if lily takes 30% and 3 pieces of candy from a box , there are still 11 pieces left. what is the original amount of candy in the box 你在生活中也曾有过反应亲情的一幕 一场景 一细节,请用朴实而富有表现力的语言把他写出来?急 五年级暑假作业本数学怎么写 五年级数学暑假作业本的33页的第五题的怎么写急!急!急! 已知2x-y-z=0,3x=4y-2z=0,则x:y:z=( ) 初二数学实数一章练习题求代数式的最小值 名著阅读积累上一题,