
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 06:48:03
单词后有that前面用什么级是比较级还是最高级 “济南消防明湖中队”的英语翻译,在线等急用,多谢了Jinan fire minghu squadron这是我在词霸里找的,不知道对不对???到底哪个对呀?我要做大牌子,一定要正确严谨 上联:有规有矩,规规矩矩,规矩成方圆的下联 这篇阅读有一道题是 der ich - Erzähler ist ein Junge 为什么这篇阅读有一道题是 der ich - Erzähler ist ein Junge 为什么是错的 Sie sah es als ein gutes Zeichen an,dass keiner mehr anrief.Sie sah es als ein gutes Zeichen an,dass keiner mehr anrief.宾语从句,不理解anrief 的用法...她把这个看做好的预兆,. 单词 + S 怎么读?英语基础不好!-------------------------就是 单词 后面什么时候 + s什么时候 + es有时怎么读 /s/ /z/ /iz/ ...一直搞不清. i s的单词怎么读 The weather is getting _____and it will be _____enough to go hiking.A.warmer ,fine B.worse,fineC.warmer,well D.warm,good 选哪个?要理由. ich schick dir meine wuensche的中文意思0000 Que de bonheur t'entoure!Ich wuensche Dir von Herzen alles Gute!中文意思? 怎么写字才能让字的大小一样,有规矩,字成直线? Your indifference,I lost的意思是什么? he goes to bed at 20:00改为否定句 Every morning the pupils read the text ___in the classroom.A.on the top of their voices B.at the top of their voiceC.at the top of their voices D.on the top of their voice Pretended indifference.Turned around crying “没有规矩不成方圆”的连笔字怎么写?“言行穿戴必须众”的连笔字怎么写?还有...“诲,遵学校要求,成道,本,定当铭刻在心”的连笔字又怎么写? 是不是总写连笔字就不会一笔一划写字了?如题 prices什么意思 prices prices relative prices是什么意思 要有音标和发音! can't type English with this computer 英语翻译答好了绝对追加分!不加我是狗! Teamo是什么意思啊?急需哦 NO WAY TO SAY是什么意思 twinkletwinkle little star,How I wonder what you are; Up above the world so high,Like a diamond in the sky; Twikle twinkle little star,How I wonder what you are.的意思急 越快越好! 带有“风”字的成语10个,越多越好 带有“风”字的成语有哪些 大侠们帮我挑挑错呗,这片英语自我介绍要急用谢谢阿The idea of being a research scientist and running a business of my own both interest me a lot.So it is nice to know that I need not give up any of them when studying here in the U 英语挑错并说明理由They are not divorced,but they have separated for 5 years. 英语挑错,有兴趣的请帮忙改一下.本人英语实在烂到一定水平了!Look at your watch for just one minute.During that time,174 babies were born in the world.Maybe you think that isn’t many.During the next hour,over 10,440 more babi 自己写的一段英文,请帮忙挑错,我是初学者.I am Haifeng, I was born in BeiJing,China,My family and I have been living (lived) here since I was born.Beijing is the capital of China,It's famous for a lot of places of interest (place of in