
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 03:13:55
Show them your kite,OK?翻译 关于订机票回国需要填写“账单地址(Credit card billing address )”Credit card billing address (Please write in English) (The billing address of the credit card used must be from the same country as the website you are currently usi “internationally-chargeable credit card with a valid billing address”请高手翻译一下这句话的意思.具体指什么? 英语翻译快 SAT信用卡的Credit Card Billing Adress是填持卡人的名字还是考生的名字?我用的是父母的信用卡. 为什么上collegeboard上面报SAT无论用什么卡到最后都会说:your credit card cannot be proceededyour credit card cannot be proceeded.报名是到了最后,place your order的地步了.不懂得的不要进来.卡换了没用.但是钱 嘉年华是啥意思 i,_________ am you friend,will try my best to help you out.a.which is b.which arec.who is d.who am这是定语从句吗,如果是,who可以引导非限制性定语从句吗?多了个am,不好意思少个字母‘r’ 要2首豪放派的代表诗词 宋词的豪放派的代表是谁? 用不堪设想,虚张声势分开造句 已知数列{an}满足na(n+1下角标)=2(n+1)an(n为N*),a1=1.(1)求证:{an除以n}为等比数列(2)求数列{an}的通项公式 谁认识+几何数学有谁看过‘极度谢谢, 几何数学有谁看过, 谁能告诉,几何数学有谁看过, Sally promise to try her best to help him的同义表达方式 询问下,几何数学有谁看过, Millie doesn't try her best to help others的同义句 已知数列{an}满足a1=1,an=2an-1+1,求an(其中n-1为a的脚标) 头疼的初三几何,小弟实在不会了.△ABC中,∠A=90º,D为BC的中点,边AB.AC上有点P.Q,∠PDQ=90º,PE⊥BC,QF⊥BC,求证EF=BD(AB不等于AC)PS:当P在射线AB上时,EF是否等于BD 一道一课一练初二A数学几何难题,小弟实在不会.已知,AB平行CD,AC=BC,角ACB=90度,AB=BD,DB与CA的延长线相交于点E.求证,AD=AE.具体图在华东师大版数学一课一练初二A的112页.小弟分不多,全献上了,在华 We should speak to our parents politely .(改为被动语态)Our parents should( )( )( )politely . Do you have a pen pal? 水经注·三峡 第一段突出了三峡总体的特点是:(1) (2) 造句:张灯结彩 虚张声势 开张张灯结彩造一个句虚张声势造一个句开张造一个句 成语虚张声势的意思和解释,用虚张声势造句及其故事典故 I can't see ( ) in playing the game A great funs B a fun C any fun D many funs We are to meet at the school gate tomorrow morning. Let's meet _____the school gate at 8:30 tomorrow morning. We are going to meet outside the school gate tomorrow.改为一般疑问句 根据题意写词语 thanks for ————(写信) we ------(与.交谈)our parents It's impolite _(argue) with our parents.用所给词的适当形式填空.谁会告诉下