
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 12:03:46
a lot of(lots of)、plenty of后面用了不可数,前面的be动词用的是is吗 计算二重积分(y-z)x^2dzdx+(x+y)dxdy其中是柱面x^2+y^2=1及平面z=0z=3所围成 英语,求12-20的介词改错,怎么改? 如图,AC⊥BC于C,DE⊥AC于E,FG⊥AB于G,交BC于F,若∠1=∠2,试问CO与AB位置关系如何?并说明理由 英语改错(介词)He worked in the farm.Don't read under the strong light.My family across the railway.He went by bike and returned by buses.In a rainy evening,he went to Tibet with his brother.Can you tell me the answers of the exercises.In all th 关于介词宾语从句的改错Western culture's continuing developmen then led to the Scientific Revolution,the Enlightenment,the American Revolution,the Industrial Revolution and what is considered today as modern civilization.参考答案是在w a lot of sb 后用动词什么形式 英语开心作业三年级(下)电视机的英文.1.复数:radio_______3.物主代词:he_______ you_______4.同音词:for_______VI.Rewrite the sentences1.Is this leaf green?(改成复数句)Are_______ _______green?2.Ben has a super skatebo 二战时,日本天皇有没有权力废掉首相? 夜晚仰望天空,发现星星会“眨眼睛”,请解释其原因.急的,请详细回答. (2)填动物名称.1、浅草才能没( )蹄.2、北风吹( )雪纷纷.3、恨别( )惊心.4、枯藤老树昏( ).填数字.( )龙戏珠.三年级下册阅读短文26、剪纸的学问.我看到桃树上又多又大的桃子,惊的是 (4)英语.This is a vest.(改成否定句)Mike likes ( )football,( ).Shall we( )together,OK?But( )Mike?Hes in the study. 1.线段是轴对称图形,对称轴是( ) .2.轴对称图形是关于某条( )对称的.这条直线叫做( ).3.轴对称图形是指( )个图形关于对称轴对称,成轴对称是指( )个图形关于对称轴对称,成轴对 几道初四英语题、1.Is breakfast very important,Doctor?Yes,As a student you can't___in class without breakfast.A.put your heart B.listen C.concentrate D.stay2.I'm going to the post office.________you're there,can you get me some stamps.A.As B.W 几道英语题【初四】1.The farmers insisted that he wouldn't send out the cabbages _____ the buyers paid first in cashA until B unless C as D since答案是B为什么不选A2.We went to the theatre eartly to make c____ we all got seated.答案 快 急用 社会改变着人们来改变它自己这话有什么问题 ()天下大雨,我()是要按时上学 “就算这个世界被大雨.”哪首歌里有这样的歌词? 傍晚时分天下着大雨各种车辆急匆匆地赶着回家It was _______ _______ late in the afternoon and cars were _______ _______ _______ to go back home She likes comedies.She doesn't like thillers(合并为一句) 短文:迷惑敌人的迷彩服在现代战争中,侦察仪器越来越先进,部队的行动很容易被对方发现.为了迷惑敌人、保护自己,人们用一种特殊的颜料把军服染成黄一块、绿一块的,制成了迷彩服.迷彩 I like comedies.He doesn’t like comedies.两句合为一句.I like comedies,——he——.每空一词.ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!鸡鸡鸡鸡姐姐姐姐姐姐姐姐姐姐姐姐姐姐姐姐姐姐姐姐姐姐姐姐姐姐姐姐姐姐姐姐姐姐 the move you go jogging the healther you will 在等腰梯形ABCD中,AD=BC,AB//DC,将△ABD沿AB向下翻折到△ABE的位置,请判断四边形AEBC的形状 说明理由 九年级英语开心作业 星星为什么会眨眼睛?从物理学角度回答 ATP离子泵和协同运输是不是并列关系,大学细胞生物学. 在秋高气爽的夜晚,星光为什么总是闪烁不定 秋高气爽的夜里,当我们仰望天空时会觉得星光闪烁不定,这是什么原因?秋高气爽的夜里,当我们仰望天空时会觉得星光闪烁不定,这主要是因为:A.星星在运动B.地球在绕太阳公转C.地球在自转D. 高中英语主动表被动的词语有哪些?都是省掉be动词加过去分词来表达么? 为什么在秋高气爽的夜里仰望天空时会觉得星光闪烁不定?