
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 09:50:29
I'M doing a survey adout learning English can I ask you some questions?翻译 I'm ding a survey about learning English.Can I ask you some questions?I'm ding a survey about learning English.Can I ask you some questions?( )But I have to clean the classroom first.A,Great B,I'd love to C,sure D,No,I'm busy选什么,要说明 补全对话A:I 'm doing a survey about learning EnglishB:1.A:Great!What's your name?B:Lily.A:2.B:I'm learning English by remember new words.A:3.B:I remember words by reading English magazines.I like English,but I am afraid to speak in class.I think 一座桥全长60米,在桥的一边栏杆上包括两端在内每隔3米插一面彩旗,一共要插多少面? He always has many things _____ (worry) about It ()many things A is B have C does D has 英语脑筋急转弯答案:how many sides does a house have why does time fly? 英语翻译has nothing to do with the exciting force but is affected by the dynamic characteristics of the compound flexible system.It is a significant parameter to value the total isolation performance. 英语翻译Fig.2 shows that the level of the input power flow decreases with the reduction of the stiffness of the continuous isolator.But too soft continuous isolators can result in not only a difficulty in the strength and technology of the struct 这幅画长是宽的两倍,我做画框用了1.8米木条 ,这幅画长宽面积分别是多少 造4个英语反义疑问句 解方程应用题:这幅画的长是宽的2倍.我做画框用了1.8米木条.这幅画的长、宽和面积分别是多少? 英语 反义疑问句He thinks she is right,( I think she is tight ,( 请说明理由a time to is lunch it have 连词成句 连词成句always,we,don't,on time,go home time its lunch for怎么连词成句 many cows there atime its lunch for怎么连词成句many cows there are how怎么连词成句 HE ALWAYS SPENDS SO MANY TIME ON HIS HOMEWORK(改错) 连词成句:Cindy,for,time,have,breakfast,doesn't,much(.) 看,戴尼尔戴着一条红黄相间的领带 英文翻译 这是我努力的结果用英语怎么说 Does a friend always have to be a person? does a friend always have to be a person 问:为啥要用have而不用has 翻译:Does a friend always have to be a person? does a friend always have to be a person? 翻译,米莉的那本有趣的书是关于什么的. does a friend always have to be person?what else can be your friend?翻译 英语翻译要两种哦,要七下的英语知识 心中的太阳阅读答案心中的太阳[挪威]T.史蒂根我从北极区移居首都奥斯陆已有多年,但对那极地岁月仍然魂牵梦萦.童年时在极地的生活教我甘于寂寞,勿急功近利;教我勤于思索,勿浅尝辄止 快!我要写作文明天要交,给我介绍一个素材!题目为. 心中的太阳假如,你的心中有太阳,你的生活将开满鲜花;如果,你的心中有太阳,你的生活将溢满阳光;如果,你的心中有太阳,你的生活将充满幸福.我听过这样一个故事:一个作家看见了一个双 心中的太阳怎么样 always tip a bit tip