
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/31 14:44:22
做两只长2米、宽和高都是20厘米的长方形的长方形通风管,至少需要铁皮多少平方分米 Correct the mistakesThis is the exposition of a comb. Maybe there are some wrong sentences in the article.(It means probably the article is correct absolutely.)Correct it if the sentence is wrong.TEXT:Our combs and fine toothed bamboo combs are made correct the 10 mistakes.The girls arrived at the airport (1)_at_ time ,but Joe did not.His plane was late and it was (2)_near__ one o'clock by the time he had taken care of all his business at the airport.Both he and the girls were (3)_quiet_ hungry sth fit sb同义句改写等于什么 be fit for 请问 1.sth be fit for sb 和sb be fit for sth 哪个是错的 还是都可以用 2.fit的过去分词是? 暮投石壕村的暮是什么意思 暮投石壕村的投什么意思 海豚的嘴怎么形容用“海豚的嘴是.(什么样)的”回答我 International Capital BudgetingDiscuss the following statement (true or not and why):A foreign project that has a positive net present value (NPV) when valued on its own will always be a positive NPV project from the parent firm's standpoint.In your 两个汉字怎么读?一个“虫”字旁,加个“负”一个“虫”字旁,加个“版” 左右一词的不同意思造句,2.用在数字后面,表示大概的意思. 两个七是什么汉字,怎么读 I don't know the price of the coat,would you please________A.find it out B.find out is C.to find it out D.to find out it为什么选A?顺序有什么讲究? 光学滤光片的镀膜分成几种?各有什么不同? 行波磁场中的行怎么读,是xing还是hang stamp duty on capital是什么意思? Return On Investment (ROI)与Return On Capital Employed(ROCE)的区别是什么 “行路”的“行” 的广东话发音和哪个字相同 什么是Interest_on_Capital? 求四题好的话就好评哦!一 最下面一题, please correct mistakesi have read the news on the newspaper correct mistakes i want to go to bed after lunch .but i must write a diary .because it is necessary to do myhomework .i thought doing well in english is too hard,as my basis very poor .i recognized a man whose name is nanguo .he run a small a factary Which is wrong beiow? 菱形ABCD的对角线AC,BD交于点O,且AC=16cm,BD=12cm,求菱形ABCD的高DH和AB的长图没法画 菱形ABCD的对角线AC,BD交于点O,且AC=16cm,BD=12cm,求菱形ABCD的AB的长?要仔细 区分a little,a bit,a little of,a bit of最好有例子.补充——Not a littleNot a bit =IF($B291,IF(MID(F29,3,1)="X",$E29*PRODUCT(VALUE(LEFT(F29,2)),VALUE(RIGHT(F29,1)))/100," ")," ")如上述EXCEL表格中的公式,请问大神们该如何理解? isbn编号是什么在书的什么位置啊? =CONCATENATE(LEFT(D2838,3),TEXT((VALUE(RIGHT(D2838,4))+1),"0000"))想再问一下,这个又是什么,我不懂,麻 ALLT(RIGHT(STR(THIS.Value),1))是什么 hear sb.in person