
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 10:17:13
林黛玉性格特点急详细一点 红楼梦里的人物你最喜欢和最不喜欢谁?说原因. 某装潢公司要在如图所示的五角星中,每沿20厘米装一盏闪光灯,若BC等于(根号5)减1米,则需要闪光灯多少盏?(五角星看成正五角星,要按的范围就是像AB,AC这样的,一共十条边)我们还没学锐 全在图上了,麻烦各位大侠顺便给讲讲. 在一次篮球比赛中,每个小组各队都要与同组的其他各队比赛一场,然后决出进行下一轮比赛的出线权.如果有一小组在第一轮比赛中共赛了45场,问这个小组共有多少个球队? 人教版初一数学第一课是什么 我说我喜欢上了古典文学,朋友推荐我看《红楼梦》,为什么我说喜欢上了古典文学,朋友说我建议你看《红楼梦》,为什么推荐《红楼梦》呢好在那里,可以学到些什么 Daniel did not go to the meeting.l went to the meeting instead.同义句l went to the meeting ______ ___Daniel. --I don't want to go to the meeting.It's boring --____ A.Me,too B.Me neither C.Me,well D.So do I Thanks for your i______ me to the meeting. He won't go to the meeting.I'll go instead.(合并为一句话) I'll go to the meeting_____ _____ ______. the meeting is well attended是什么意思 林黛玉教香菱学诗时,第一次给她看的诗是谁写的? 香菱学诗中,香菱是怎样学诗的?黛玉是怎样教诗的 请写出黛玉是怎么教香菱学诗的,100~200字左右 okay..i love u,well not really okay..i love u,well not really,its more like a crush and ive never even met you,ive never felt this way about anyone before its embarrassing you play the piano really well.really和well 都是副词,会不会重复了 The coat is really sit well on you.还是应该是 The coat really sits well on you I know you guys really so well .Best wishes to all of ---You are playing basketball really well,Jack.A.I agree B.So do I C.Really?Thank you D.You are welcome 座右铭作文的开头怎么写 作文开头怎样引出座右铭 设非空集合S=﹛X|m≤x≤y﹜满足:当x∈s时,有x²∈s.给出如下三个命题:①若m﹦1,则s=﹛1﹜;②若m=-1∕2,则1∕4≤y≤1;③若y=1/2,则-√2/2≤m≤0.其中正确命题的个数是几个? is there someone you hate ,well ,maybe you don't really hate them ,but you get really angryevery time you think of them 翻译 she's really nice and we get on well but she always borrows my things 的汉语意思 um,well,I()like action movies.I don't really want to go,but().请告诉我这句话的意思,并填空A.don't realb.not reallyc.real don'td.really don'ta.thanks youb.thank you c.thanksd.thank 红楼梦的人物品质我有急用求求你们了 红楼梦金陵十二钗人物人物性格分析金陵十二钗人物形象性格概括 要简短的 每个50字左右 怎么区分字母在单词中发哪个音标的音 我是一个新手 在单词中发音标音还是字母音?我现在还一点也不懂英语,现在在学音标,可是音标我好像弄不明白了还有就是学音标时要记得它们是怎么写的吗? clean的中文意思是什么?在英语里面的意思 海明威的A Clean,Well-Lighted Place的中文翻译