
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 23:28:40
28.Wear your _________ dress and you will look more white new b.white new silk c.white silk new white silk 请问这道题的形容词排序.我老是搞不懂. 安事一室乎 中‘事’的意思 中国加油的法、韩、俄、德、葡萄牙语翻译 “加油葡萄牙!” 葡萄牙语怎么说 外贸到底是什么,我是学英语的,在外贸领域,可以做什么样的工作, 学英语的进外贸公司需要什么证书 安事死马而捐五百金死马且市之五百金于是不能期年,千里马至者三.翻译,快啊.在“古之君人,有以千金求千里马者……”里的 安事死马的事 积分符号的发音数学积分的符号“∫”怎么发音? 求“标识”的正确读音? The summer vacation.The summer holidays两个单词都是可数名词,为何一个变复数一个不变呢 much better than翻译成英语谢了 Her English speaks much better than me 这句话对吗? much better than ever before. 学英文 是不是想做外贸的多 I think there fore I am 的正确翻译? 外贸人如何选择学英语?我是做外贸单证的,这2年让我对整个外贸出口一块的操作流程有了详细的了解,现在想转入业务行业,但我英语水平功底比较低,觉的语言会是我的阻力,我不知道从何学起 国际贸易都要学些什么?主要要学英语吗?简单吗?不会很枯燥吧. 英语知识运用问题Our defeat was due to a lack ____ 英语问题---英语知识运用3131.---Is John coming by bus ---He should ,but he ____not.He likes driving his car.A.must B.can C.need D.may 正确答案是D,我选的是C,请问为什么D正确,C不正确, 英语问题--英语知识运用2222.Tom _____the TV set for $500,which was much cheaper that he had expected.A.bought B.paid C.cest D.spent 正确答案是A,我选的是B,请详细解释为什么A正确,B不正确? end of the summer中文歌词RT.就是最近天下足球的那首歌!谁能帮我翻译一下歌词? ______ the summer of 2000为什么要用during?我觉得in也可以啊 The end of in the summer of 2001为什么在这里用 in 而不是 on on不是特指2001年的夏天么? 托福口语第1题想不到例子,1.Which person you want to know more?2.Which a news or a story you are interested in recently,why?3.a tool or object that you rely on often in daily life,why is it important? 一道托福口语题 想不到好例子 Some people prefer to celebrate their birthdays or holidays with a large group of people in the party.Others prefer to celebrate their birthdays or holidays alone and quietly.Which do you prefer and why?Includ 天津华尔街英语报名时的测试,都测试什么我想报名华尔街英语,听说要做个测试,我想知道都是什么样的测试 华尔街英语怎么样我很犹豫,到底是去华尔街英语还是英语ing英语,那个更好点呢?上过的朋友说道说道? Avatar tells the story of a war between humans and aliens on a moon called Pandora. 哪些动词和短语后只接to do而不能接doing,尽可能多点详细点谢谢. 托福口语第2题想不到例子,...1.Some people solve a challenge all by themsleves ;Others solve challenge depend on others' help,What do you prefer?2.空闲时间是做reading / thinking / studying alone,还是参加集体活动与朋友一起