
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/10 13:23:56
甲乙辆车分别从ab两城相对开出,甲车每小时行驶36千米,两车开出4小时后相遇,相遇时甲乙两车所行的路程比是6:5.求乙车每小时行驶多少千米? 2.7乘以6表示( ),6乘以2.7表示( ) 6乘以6乘以6 函数f(x)=x+(1/x)(x≠0)的图像怎么画? 画出下列函数的图像F(x)={0,x≤0;1,x>0}请画出F(X)={0,X≤0} {1,X>0} 请画出0≤x≤3的函数图像 如图,已知平行四边形ABCD的对角线AC与BD相交于点O,AE垂直BD于点E,角DAE=60度AE=2cmAC+BD=12cm求三角...如图,已知平行四边形ABCD的对角线AC与BD相交于点O,AE垂直BD于点E,角DAE=60度AE=2cmAC+BD=12cm求三角形的 如图,已知平行四边形ABCD的对角线AC与BD相交于点O,AE⊥BD于点E,∠DAE=60°AE=2cm,AC+BD=12cm.求△BOC的周如图,已知平行四边形ABCD的对角线AC与BD相交于点O,AE⊥BD于点E,∠DAE=60°,AE=2cm,AC+BD=12cm.求△BOC的周 如图,BD是平行四边形ABCD的一条对角线,AE垂直BD于点E,CF垂直BD于点F,求证∠DAE=∠BCF The old man walked slowly into the restaurant.With head tilted,and shoulders bent forward he lean翻译 数学问题:若三棱锥的三个侧面两两垂直,且侧棱长均为(根号2)则其外接球的体积是__?(麻烦回答一下 A young man walked into the house.There were some flowers in his hands.合成一句话 已知三棱锥S-ABC的三条侧棱两两垂直,且长度分别为根号6,2根号3,3 ,则三棱锥S=ABC的外接球的体积为 ___ 在平行四边形ABCD中,AC交BD于点O,AE⊥BD于E,角EAD=60°,AE=2cm,AC+BD=14cm,求△BOC的周长 如图,已知平行四边形ABCD的对角线AC与BD相交于点O,AE⊥BD于点E,∠DAE=60°,AE=2cm,AC+BD=12cm,求△BOC的周长?(没有图,写清楚谢谢) 在平行四边形ABCD中,O为对角线的交点,AE⊥BD于E,∠EAD=60°,AE=4CM,AC+BD=28CM,则△BOC的周长为 借鉴英美两国历史发展经验,结合中国的历史与现实,为中华民族复兴提出两条合理化的建意 打算7月底考雅思 想买听力写作口语阅读的雅思机经,给推荐一下,要做题的那种 你好,那个听力和口语的雅思机经怎么需要口令密码?能告诉我一下么,我用的克克PDF阅读器. 第二题的答案 The old man walked very slowly.中哪个是不及物动词?哪个是介词? 第二题答案是 He drives the car very slowly怎么变感叹句 Some dinosaurs walked very slowly.(对slowly提问)_____ _____ _____ dinosaurs walk? 三棱锥的三条侧棱两两垂直,其长分别是1,根号2,根号3,求1 三棱锥的体积2 三棱锥外接球的表面积和体积 等比数列中,A3A4A5=8,则A2A6等于什么? .______ his head high,the manager walked into the room to attend the meeting ______ then. A.Holding;being held B.Held;holding C.Having held;held D.Held;to be held 我选D为什么错了 正确答案是A Someone got into his room (穿过) the window yesterday afternoon 帮我画个函数图像,不用真画描述下就行!y=1.5^x与y=x^2的交点有几个?我觉得由2个,书上非说是三个! The old man and his wife ___________(走路比较慢) walkersThe old man and his wife ___________ walkers. Once a man and his wife worked for an old man.完形填空Once a man and his wife worked for an old man.There was a big box in the old man’s living room.The old man pointed to the box and said,“There’s only one thing you (1 )do.Don’t open When the man left the following morning,he t___the farmer and his wife.He took a little bag ofgold pieces out of his pocket.he added that he would come the next y____.(填横线中的词)