
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 16:57:24
英语看图填短文Mr.White went to 71_____for a trip last mouth .In London he stayed in a 72____.After he put down his bags ,he 73______out book of English grammar and began to 74_____the grammar rules.A few hours 75_____,he was sure that he could 有谁对安吉了解吗?安吉县的天荒坪抽水蓄能电站,普通游客可以进入吗?我是想去拍日全食,不知天荒坪抽水蓄能电站八点开不开放?附近有住宿的地方否?交通如何? 冰心繁星春水读后感 在线 赶快 不要抄袭 求原创 好的加分 英语从句选择题几道,1.The book can help ( ) wants to do the job.whoever 还是 no matter who2.The cases will be introduced to readers ( ) consumer complaints have resulted in changes in the law.where还是when还是which 一道英语从句的选择题 _____,the car stopped all at once .A Seeing a boy lying on the road B On seeing a boy sitting on the road C The minute the driver saw a boy seated on the road D the driver had seen a boy standing on the road 可以分 翻译she is very strict with herself take it easy! 今天是我妈妈的生日?我该怎么发短信啊.今天是我妈妈的生日我该怎么发短信祝福她啊?帮帮忙. 今年是祖国母亲60岁生日,你想对她说些什么? 今天是我妈妈的生日但我不知道该怎么跟她说些什么好?太单调了吧 也很老土 如果你的妈妈今天过生日,你想对她说些什么?想帮她做些什么? 死去的妈妈生日了,要对她说什么话 阅读冰心写得《繁星春水》写一篇读后感.不少于600字按我要求做的,再提高悬赏100、绝不骗人! 一种长方体肥皂,它的长、宽、高分别是16vm、6cm、3cm,一箱装30块肥皂,请你为肥皂厂设计一种包装箱,要求如下:1.装箱时,面积相同的面要相互对接;2.包装箱是一个长方体;3.装入肥皂后不留 美丽的天津征文,800字左右,(马上上五年级了) 我能在百度学英语吗?我想学英语 六年级语文课堂作业本第十二课最后一题,要感受 补英语的方法我是语法一窍不通,单词懒得背的那种,小学五年级开始就没好好看过英语书,中学时理科不错进了市重点,可是英语和文科拖了很多,不过文综可以别理了,我是准备偏科的.请问各位 英语怎么补?初一初二英语还算好的,就没有去读它,现在全是陌生的,我想问的是,我先补还来得及吗?大家给我个方案?以前呢,英语竞赛我曾经看过全级第一,以后不怎么读还是考得不错,久而 现在高二下,我的英语该怎么补回来?我现在高二第二学期,我想要拼上尖子班去,但英语不及格又不行.我从高中开始就没怎么认真学英语,高一还能勉强拿个90+分(150满分),但一到高二上星期就 I am sorry I can only remember the first few _____ of the song.--- It doesn't matter.I can teach---I am sorry I can only remember the first few _____ of the song.--- It doesn't matter.I can teach you how to sing it .A.notes B.lines C.beats D.lyrics i can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky,the song of the birds,moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbind.请翻译这个句子,PS:这个句子是定语从句吗? that song i remember . 《西游记》讲述的是一个什么故事?我想大家都看过这部电视吧!里面讲述的是一个什么内容,你们知道的就说吧!说的越清楚,就有机会哟! I remember a song by Westlife,the first sentence of it is "Just a smile andI remember a song by Westlife,the first sentence of it is“Just a smile and the rain is gone. 动物与人的感人故事 绝对难度一道数列题:a1=5/2 a(n+1)=an/2+2/an ⑴求证:2 数列[an]满足an=1\(n+1)(n+2),则极限(a1+a2+a3+.an)=? Elaine什么意思? love is the answer,and you know that for sure啥意思 I always know that you are the only 中文意思是?in my life 设an>0,证明级数an/[(a1+1)(a2+1)...(an+1)]收敛? 张海迪我的祖国全文