
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 13:12:01
请大家帮我做一篇语法填空,语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空.True friends are rare.__1__ has been said 选适当词组,用其正确形式完成句子.词组:laugh at / later on / make miatakes/ be afraid to / begin with 1.many students ______take with forenigners.be brave.2.we should't ______the paople who are in troulbe.we should help them.3.everyo 一篇语法填空,I have an aunt who is deaf and lives alone.To communicate____her when we visit,we write in her notebook.Her birthday is in March.Lsat year she was 96 years old.I thought about things I could get her____aside from food there wasn't 选择词组,并用其适当形式完成句子on foot a number of be different from think of depend on the number of 1.______the people in my family is four .2.What do you ______the transportation in your hometown 3.I go to work ______when it's sunny celina jade介绍 三个女字怎么读 女和亲加起来的字读什么RT 英语翻译Self a little Well i thought you were 最长一段please vera,am sorry but i can't remember you.piease can you help me remeber youor may be you can introduce your.啥意思? 英语翻译Now everybody,Has a right to be living their lives...Oh but we'd a long,long way long way from paradise.If there was freedom Tell me why everybody wants to fight...Oh 'cause we'd a long,long way a long way from paradise.You might be stron 上左是矛上右时文字边,下面是女字~组合起来时什么字? 侨城东 3Q侨城东附近有没有好的英语补习班(比如邦德什么的) 有说明地址! 请问你上传的概率论题目有答案吗? 求解,好评,概率论 如何去说英语?3Q明明单词会背,很苦恼. 两个一样的加起来是什么字的有哪些 秘书在办公室里工作吗?用英语 怎么说 一个太阳,两个太阳加起来是什么字 用英文描述一下,文秘的工作内容像文件管理,接听电话,接待客户.销售统计,会议记录之类 littie by littie and bit by bit 用汉语翻译 过点A画已知直线的垂线.怎么画,底下出头还是不出头 作图题是,画角平分线上的一点到两边的距离相等,要不要画垂线? 函数图象上的点要不要画虚线和横纵轴上的点垂直?好烦啊 秘书英文怎么写? 英语翻译 在C语言中,m=n=k=5 和 x 大树为什么会被风刮断?连根拔起能理解.怎么会被刮断呢? 是不是断的那部位被虫蛀了? 作文 老把弓绷紧会折断,放松时就能用;固定大树风才刮不倒,讲的是什么道理 风在树木间刮着 扩写句子好的加悬赏(500)啊 有翅膀的就是天使吗` 天使一定要有翅膀吗? 方组词有哪些 氯分子是什么键