
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 19:34:29
英语翻译由于我热爱的是篮球,所以我介绍一下nba,它是一项风靡全球的赛事,球员们代表的是世界顶尖的水平,他们的比赛十分具有对抗性,也就是十分激烈的意思,对于观众来说,这是最大的享受 英语翻译今天我收到了退回的3件LACOSTE衬衫,邮局出示的退货原因是无人领取.这种情况,邮局是不会退邮费给我的.为了我们能长期合作,我不会向Dhgate申请买家退运费给我.为了减少损失,请你再 英语翻译老师让编英语对话可我的水平太渣!求大神把下面几句话用尽量最简单的句式和单词翻译过来.不要花哨的语法和单词啊!1只要最简单的!要不要加入我们的初一小组一起做饭?老时间的 新生科技 用英语怎么说啊 “闪亮新生”用英语怎么说?有一首歌,就叫做闪亮新生! 英语, 英语翻译And then after takin' that,I'ma catch a case,it's gon' be fascinatin'   It's gon' say "The whole rap game passed away" on top of the affadavit   Graduated from master debater slash massive masturbator   To Michael Jackson' act 英语翻译宿舍管理委员会将于4月5日晚上7点开会.会议的主要内容关于宿舍安全问题,如安全用电,火灾应变.防止盗窃等.请每间宿舍派一名代表带上笔记本,按时到3号楼103房间开会并作好纪录, 过去式 learn begin if you always leave me like this,i will break down one day If you work hard like this,you will break down_____A.in no timeB.on timeC.in timeD.for the time being说明原因 not,from,do,we,france,like,lion,this连词成句 翻译这句 (当我一到达机场时,飞机就起飞了) 要用上Hardly...when 英语填空 I can tell you() to find the shop. nobody could tell what () happened to him on that daya.accuratelyb.exactly错题本上抄的答案是A,但我不记得为什么,也有可能答案抄错了 Please tell me where I can find him.的同义句 辩论赛:钱是不是万能 主持人开场白 金钱是否万能的辩论赛我们明天要举行辩论赛,我是反方(钱是万能的)!能不能给提供点具体、有力的重要词句和问题?(这可是五年级的辩论赛!别给我一年级水平的东东!) beat to death like a dog 歌词 什么是同声传译? 1Please wait a moment 如何变成疑问 ...you ...wait a moment?2 Be careful with your handwriting 如何变成疑问(省略该填什么) ...you ...careful with your handwriting?3What will happen to you if you study like this teach,read,work,learn,go的过去式是什么 can you tell me how to d this word in Englishcan you tell me how to (d) this word in english a said b say c tell d speak I didn't know when (a) they for Beijing a left b leave c are leaving d were leaving -I wonder if you( b) a picnic tomorro 什么同声传译? read的过去式是什么red can you tell me the _______(mean)of this English word? read的过去式 Could you __ this word in English?A say B speak C talk D tell 选哪个?为什么? 英语 根据首字母完成句子can you tell me the chinese m------of this world Tom ________ his English ecercise book at home agin(forget left) she ______her english book at home yesterday 1.leaves 2.left 3.forgets 4.forgot 如何才能成为同声传译员?