
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 22:12:04
Actually I wanted to say on that day,"Shall we never get apart,OK?汉语帮忙翻译下 为进一步证明浓硝酸有该性质,兴趣小组设计如下装置(脱脂棉团因喷有稀氢氧化钠与酚酞混合液而呈红色)现象是什么? 垂涎不已什么意思? 小东用100N的力将重80N的铅球扔出7m远,则铅球抛出后的运动过程,人对铅球所做的功是多少J?为什么呀 一道关于初三功率的物理题7、一台电动抽水机功率是10kW,用它来抽水灌田,1min能将7×104N的水提到高6m的水渠里,抽水机所做的功为 _____________,电动机对抽水机做的功为 _____________. I'm lonely giel we should never be apart是什么歌的歌词是个男的唱的 fact什么意思 In fact 什么意思? in random random 那句话是:My favorite random fact is. 联系《一位母亲和家长会》,分析文中两个画线句子分别表现了母亲怎样的感受(各用一个词或短语作答). They taught me the meaning of loyalty,that you should never forget anyone that you've loved.And thaThey taught me the meaning of loyalty,that you should never forget anyone that you've loved.And that's why Hachi will forever be my hero. I shall never forget that morning in 1969when she left Shanghai after its encirclement by the Japanese."the Japanese"可以换成the JapanJapanese吗为什么. I never forget the dags that we spent togerther什么意思 垂涎的有关定义和有关性质 Varieties of activities in the supermarket _______ many different types of interest and taste amongVarieties of activities in the supermarket _______ many different types of interest and taste among the public _______ its out-of-date goods..A.adjust The coach asked his staff tothelarge group of journalists waiting for him to announce his trainingA.adapt to B.appeal to C.refer to D.attend to这一题选哪个, The coach must take a large ___of the blame for the failure of the football match.A.quantity B.number C.share D.amount 我国古代诗歌中常有因用字精巧.下列诗句中的加点字也有这样的效果. 指出下列各句中“之”字的用字.久之,目似瞑. At the expo,we met many people____ other countries.A.to B.of c.from d.with 恨的英文单词 关于定积分~错哪儿了?急~# include # define N 100# define F(x) (x)*(x)*(x)float sab(float a,float b){ float h,sum=0; scanf("%f%f",&a,&b); h=(b-a)/N; for(;a 死穴是什么意思? windon shopping是什么意思 高等数学教材定积分学例题求解高等数学教材例题:∫(x²+1)³xdx ,使t=x²+1,则xdx=½dt ,原式=∫ t³ ½dt .求解释为什么xdx居然是一个整体,而且代表什么意义,具体如何由于t=x 死穴的意思我的语文考卷上出现了这道题,我要赶快订正这道题,快,能成为最佳答案的, 定积分的题目……错哪儿了 “显露了中国市场经济的死穴” 这里的“死穴”是什么意思?用什么词来可以替代这里所说的死穴?还有“这一年是许多死穴显露的一年”在这儿用的死穴和上述的死穴是一样的吗?那么“这一 相信的死穴什么意思啊什么意思? ‘我的死穴是一个秘密’在这句话中死穴的意思快啊,超速 “劳动产品不一定具有价值”.劳动产品是由人类劳动创造出来的.而教科书上写“凝结在商品中的无差别的人类劳动就是商品的价值”.既然这样为什么劳动产品不一定有价值呢?