
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 01:48:40
People don't say exactly what they mean. people also don't say exactly what they mean?这是什么从句啊,(请说明原因) Till now more than one person is suspected为啥用is 是就近还是啥 more than one person ----made suggestions 填什么 为什么 本人男,85年.我现在在一家服装外贸公司上班,我想学英语,不知道有没有人业余时间可以教教的吗? 记忆单词的方法是什么 有没有人告诉我怎么通过英语面试?明天要去一家外贸公司面试.我英语不行啊,毕业三年了都没有用过. 有没有人愿意跟我英语对话'我英语不好'想练口语 补充名言警句金玉其外,()智者千虑,() 补充名言佳句1,欲要看究竟《》.2,日日行,不怕《》.3,常常做,不怕《》. what u live for? 补充说明中的名言,意思是什么人无信不立言必信,行必果君子一言,驷马难追火心要空,人心要实黄金失去可再得,名誉失去难挽回 两句感叹句:1.In what poverty these people live!2.For how many years have I waite为什么第二句的助动词have要倒装,而不用正常的顺序呢? people living for what?nothing~ what are people alive for?what do people study for 我妹妹不仅喜欢唱歌而且喜欢跳舞 翻译 英语翻译下课后我上一个小时的棒球课。翻译英文 I understand there will be difficulties,but I am prepared...后面该怎么写?想表达的意思是无论如何,我都会以持之以恒的心态面对任何困难的. 英语翻译 Hey there,I will be really appreciated if someone co... 单词的记忆方法有哪些?具体说明 what do you mean but pity what do you mean by pity上面的打错了 My world you do not understand ;You will always be things to your 是什么意思 besides 和 in addition放在句首时有什么区别?比如There are nearly 44 percent who simply seek the program out themselves on famous video web sit._______,the data indicates that 79 percent of users was satisfied with the network videos.答 My world you do not understand ;You will always be things to your besides和 in addition to有什么区别RT The food in this restaurant is very nice._____,the price is not high.A.In addition B.As well as C.Besides D.ExceptIn addition\In addition to\besides辨析话说in addition是除……之外(还有,包括之前那个),还是除了……(不包 In addition to 和 besides 的用法一样吗? 用when I ( ) .I feel angry.造句. 用feel造句 make sb get sb happy 还是make sb happy